Want to do a micro grow, NEED HELP!!!!


Well my outdoor sour diesel grow was busted by the local piggies this year only a month and a half into veg, and im REALLY wanting to finally get a damn grow under my belt and have researched many micro grow stealth techniques and one that i really like is the 12/12 from seed method, is it possible to have a plant under a foot tall go into flowering just so i can get a few grams? I know its a lot of effort for a just a little reward but i want to try anyway, if anyone has done this how much odor is produced in flowering? will it still be very detectable to others in the house even if its upstairs? and is there any other option for smell BESIDES carbon filters, such as heavy masking? that is all, FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!


Well-Known Member
Many indica strains will stay ~14" if 12/12 from seed, and grab yourself some Ona gel for odour.



Staff member
yeap if youre not looking for anything big , you can do 12/12 from seed ina mirco grow they still stay shorter always go with indica strains as they are shorter by nature anyways, and i second a small room deodorizer like ona gel


Okay, thanks guys, yea im gonna use an indica bagseed from last year and its below average smoke so will that make it less strong with the smell? I would kill for some ona gel but i know its only available by ordering and cant exactly order it...... but if the smells not that bad anyway i may just try to mask with some citrus gel air fresheners in the little tubs what do ya think?


Staff member
its best not to use air fresheners with a lot of chemicals or TOO strong of smells as it will hurt your plants, been there done that biggest newbie mistake i did when i was 16. especially in a small area. the plant is going to smell it doesnt matter how below average it is it will smell. but you can go to a home hardware , lowes, canadian tire depending where you are and get room deodorizers that SOAK UP smell not PRODUCE smell they are usually for cigerettes


Damn, didnt know that, will deffinately try to get some deoderizers, so how long should i expect the entire grow seed to harvest to take? Im gonna put the plant in a pot about the size of 2 cups, and since im doing 12/12 all the way through, should i use 2700k lights from the start? Or a mix of 6500k and 2700k then just 2700k at the end? Thanks