want to try it!!!!!


Active Member
The quickest way to find information is to search for it.
Stick it near a heat source that is below the vaporizing temp of thc, 250 degrees or something. Ovens are the quickest, put it in at a low temp like around 150 for around 10 min. A very rewarding technique that I just used the other day is to steam dry it in the microwave. Take a micro safe container that has a lid. Lightly wet a paper towel and place it on the bottom of the container. Put the nuggets directly on top of the towel. Lightly wet another towel, or two, and stretch it over the edges of the container before you put the lid on. Then put the lid on, but only snap three corners into place, leave the fourth just resting open so it doesn't pop open from the steam pressure and spill your shit. Set your micro to a low setting, 30 or 40%, and put the container in for 1 minute intervals. Check the towels after each time to make sure they are still damp, if not just put some drops of water on them so steam can be produced. Vent the container every time as well. Do this 5 times or so. A neat way to tell if they are done is if the steam smells bad, if its a light odor then they probably good. Now smoke that shit and let me know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
dont try to rush it it will not be the same if dried different than your whole crop dry the 1 bud the way yo plan on drying your whole crop