War: Who is responsible and why?

War: Who is responsible and why?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
-the citizen: prioritized his life and needs before his country, maybe selfishly, but likely not. He needed to survive and provide for his family.. He had a house and three kids to feed. Who would blame him..?

-the soldier: chose to volunteer for an organization used throughout history to conquer other peoples and used to secure resources and national interests. Many soldiers believe they are doing what's right, justified by the war on terrorism

-the politician: makes the decisions that lead us to physical engagements.

Other?... All?.... Explain.


Well-Known Member
I will explain to you that this view is too ultra simplistic? And at the same time it is vastly too complex.

What causes fist fights is what causes wars. What Cannot cause a fist fight?

How many people fist fighting each other for you to call it a war? There is your answer.

It is the, oh so false, postulate, from your own War Cult, that we are not suppose to war.

We are supposed to be a world at peace. No conflicts. The Age of Aquarius.

What? Where are you coming from? Who says we are not to fight? Who says, your Mommie?

Yo' mammy is so fat, she has to....what? You don't like that? Fighting words? Go on, hit me, I dare you.

Who is responsible for Lightening?

  • The Citizen
  • The Soldier
  • The Politician
  • Other


Well-Known Member
In fact we are only just beginning the cyper-fight. Push button war is very easy, as we can see from the coward that hide and still produce the spew.

The govt has drones and micro-machines, the tango have that and so do We the People.
Drone us? Drone them!

I remember someone posted a Hollywood prop of a Robo-squito, designed for pulling blood for DNA match. I believe that it was the Northern White Bear that first stopped the impossible flimsy of the mock up.

Well, here is the real thing. We need Citizen Drone Committees, is all.

Chairman: Come to order. First topic is the remarkable find from Jimmie about the new Police Cruiser Drones. Jimmie was a able to get his Drone-Fly, in quite close. And, um, Jim, will be taking us.....wait.....OK. Out.

Roof Drones reporting clear from Laser or Infrared scanners. Secure-Room Drones have reported all clear. HUMIT scouts and drones are back inside. Condition Zebra is set. Let's get started.



Ursus marijanus
Imo the #1 cause of wars is musical chairs. When n+1 people are competing for n resources, acrimony ensues, especially if Team n/2 can end up with n resources for their side. cn


Well-Known Member

Essentially the story of war, to me, is spreading the seed, may the best seed win. It is the rabbit habit. :)

Despite the excuses, religions, arguments, hopes and dreams it is tied to our reproduction and so is a good thing. It is overwhelmingly genetic. I can even opine it is the result of our tiny gene pool. We must copulate then all...don't you think?

Be honest brothers, have you ever really gotten over the idea that we cannot bed them all, every willing gal we find?

And willing? It has different definitions in history. For modern now, let's just say the willing ones.

Nothing hotter than conquest.

Thus it is ever so.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm sure now, what we see as Religions are also War Cults that are mellow enough unless disagreed with.

(who's name is not written...hint... mo mo. ha damn him)

All were Warlords. Constantine created the much feared Christians by painting crosses on his shields. Prayed on the superstition of the time about the son of god on earth and had, one guy, by himself, write what we call today the Bible.

Lao Tsu - The Period of the Warring States ~ 500 BCE. (wrote on how to regulate Warlords)
Krishna - Warlord
Buddha - Warlord (abdicated)
Confucius - legalistic muse for Warlords
10 Sikh Gurus - chased down and tortured in so very horrid ways by Muslim Warlords at war with Sikh Warlords
Joseph Smith - Warlord of Utah, the Ute's land, Piutes, mainly, their name for it, etc, before Brigham Young. Then it became a US Territory.


Well-Known Member
Well, you need the power to get the girls and you need the money/gold to get the power. So Females are the reason for wars... or males... whichever way you swing it. Sex is the cause of all war. Just watch the nature channel.


Well-Known Member
Religion is just another way to gain power and 'control' whatever sexual desire or strange behavior you may or may not have


Active Member
Zionism , Politicians , World Leaders , The Media , and Religious Leaders and Their Community.



Well-Known Member
Good stuff. I often wonder if simply goes back to bad parenting.

You know kids.

Dad says so.
Ask your Mom

Dad? Mom said if I don't I will be eaten by the Ganja Gods!!! WHYYYYYYYYYY?????

hmmm.....?? Shut kid, and go to bed. I hear the Gangagods, coming to get you!!!


Well, that worked.....what is ganja Gods, wife?

Who care? Nookie, Nookie.....:)


Well-Known Member
War is great for business. Especially if your product or service is being sold to both sides at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Oh and what was the first thing Red Bear did to stamp out the Nazi?

They systematically Raped almost every single woman. That is war. The same thing happened in Bosnia, quite recently.

War is to modify our tiny gene pool. Some Japanese politician said something to excuse the systematic rapine in Nanking. Very subtle hint. But, it was the newspaper editorials that suggest his life was forfeit for that.

Can't mention the Nazi hate in Germany, even today. It is a hate crime to deny the holocaust, for example.


Well-Known Member
this one is easy, it's all obama's fault and rawn pawl would fix it if we would have all just spammed a little harder.