

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone
I hope all is well. I have now come to the conclusion after much observation & study that huge changes are nearly upon us(all of life on earth). This I've wondered for a while, but I'm now satisfied with the evidence and things are happening rapidly. What should humans do? First off - Do Not Panic! It's not the end. The government is changing as we speak & will continue to do so until it's goal is reached. You must not worry about this because there is not much you can do. What you can do is delay them & learn to take care of yourself & I mean total self care. The other coming attraction is the climate. This is definite & can not & will not be stopped. We will witness natural disaters that will reshape the globe. I'm not here for debate, this is begining now in case you haven't noticed. Just take a look around the globe - it's only begining. What can you do? Once again not much, but you can adapt. Learning as much as you can about food,air,water, & light are very important when you consider these are the things you need to live. This thread is extremely important because this message must be passed on to as many people as possible so we can survive what is coming. I'm not joking at all! Even if I was wrong learning how to grow your own food & freshen your own water as well as use light more efficiently & hunt/gather your own meals should be something human beings have as general knowledge don't you think? :?


Well-Known Member
I Too am starting to stockpile wood and looking into building a root cellar . Starting to design a garden , we live rt next to a river .So from that river I can get water and also Power (waterwheel) I think Its time people start getting ready for some shit to happen.. I agree with you


Well-Known Member
You do know you've basically just become a tool because you've bought into this whole mass hysteria about the climate and the globe changing? This isn't the first time it's happened and we're still here today. Most of the 'scientists' who are convinced that we are the cause of the change in the climate fail to realize the earth does this on it's own with or without us.

We'll continue to adapt and to mold to make the best of our environment despite what the earth puts us through. The earth is a self-sustaining ecosystem that will fix itself. It's been doing it since it was formed. As long as the sun exists, we're fine.

And yes, global warming is a hoax. The earth has been MUCH MUCH hotter in the past.

Now as far as what we will do to ourselves, I'm pretty sure another World War is going to break out in the next 100 years and the funny thing is, nuclear holocaust won't happen. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I didn't buy into anything - what you are saying is correct. You must have took my words different then I meant for them to be taken.


Well-Known Member
We are still here today...modern society wasn't around when this happend before. Trust me alot will change naturally.


Active Member
your tags are :
big, change, climate, society, worldhttp://world

global warming is a pharse. its fake. its not real, and its all made by lobbiests and al gore, who wanted a nobel fucking peace prize. end of story.


Well-Known Member
something is going to happen their is going to ge to many people on this planet.
all this has been sturing in my head all week its deep


Well-Known Member
I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories but i do see our government has gone to extremes and while i never really thought about stockpiling food and other items. I'm giving serious thought to it now while food is still affordable though just barely. I think it would be irresponsible not to have a plan in case something does happen whether man made or natural. I wasn't prepared when Katrina hit and we were with out power and had limited food. I don't want to be caught off guard again.


Well-Known Member
something is going to happen their is going to ge to many people on this planet.
all this has been sturing in my head all week its deep
same here. since about 2 months ago my minds been racing on this subject.... i don't even try to think about it, it just is there like i have some sort of awareness. i believe the planet is changing and not because of global warming and all that non sense.

but most people are so lost in material world that their origin has become completely erased from their minds. i mean for god sakes... when you say peace and love to someone they immediately think of dirty lazy good-for-nothing hippies. as if being happy and loving is a bad thing.

what the hell has this world come to?