Was there a lsd shortage in 2001?


New Member
Back in my younger days I used to eat a fair amount of acid. Almost always geltabs, but every once in a while in liquid form. The last time I tripped was July 4th of 2001. After that, nobody I knew could get it. I had several hookups, but they all went dry at the exact same time. The rumor was that there was one guy in cali that made virtually all the acid in the usa, and he got busted. Was that bullshit, or did something like that really happen?

Since then I've gotten married and started a family, so I've given up real drugs. I just wanted to know if anyone else went through a drought at the same time, or was it just my circle of friends in south florida?

Damn I miss the good old days. I'd give just about anything for a 10 strip and a couple days to myself to clean out the attic.


Well-Known Member
what i heard was that Canada's biggest acid lab got busted and they produced like 90-95% or something. Im a little skeptical cause 90%, is that possible? wouldn't you get busted before you got that big? but you re right a lot of sources went dry in 2001 and if it happened here and in cali then id say it was a BIG supplier


New Member
The bust story sounded like bullshit to me at the time. The more I thought about it though, I didn't know anyone that even claimed to know any manufacturers. It seems complicated enough that there would be very few people with the knowledge, equipment, and motivation to make it.

I was talking to a good friend about old times the other day, that's what made me think about it. I had just wondered if the shortage was local, or if it really was nationwide.

How long did it take things to get back to normal?

At least my last time was one of my best trips. The fourth of July was a pretty good day to for it. I still remember my buddy playing with bottle rockets, and somehow having one shoot up his shirt sleeve:clap: The best part was that we had it on videotape. He didn't get hurt, so it was pretty damn funny.


Well-Known Member
yeah there was a shortage on lsd and theres still is cause i was lookin for it for awhile
back in those days and couldnt get it nowhere , i mean no where
san francisco was the only place i went that had it so yeah acid is really hard to find these days


Well-Known Member
not sure if this is the same thing, i heard about a missle silo that was baught from the government at auction and turned into a LSD lab, i think i remember the number 90% and "hundreds of thousands of hits at a time"... anyone else remember this on the news...

side now.. i can still get L, prices actually went down recently....
all white papes and some times blue gels.. hadnt seen liquid in.. forever


Well-Known Member
i must know the right people...i can get liquid by the bucketful and dont even like acid anymore. its definetly less availible now than say in the 90's (70's & 60's too but im not that old) but its certainly still around. go to hippy shows or raves.