Was Trump Sending a Message by Pardoning Sheriff Arpaio's?

Ari ripped him apart, that would normally kill someones political career. But he basically went full Trump, that dude does not need to have any power over anyone ever again.
His message was to the voters in Arizona where McCain was still Senator. Trump has the morals of a cat but is not as cute or useful. I guess a cockroach is probably closer. I’ve been the guest in a few county jails awaiting arraignment before. Never was in a good one. County lockups are the absolute worst followed by city jails then state prison and the nice federal ones. But they didn’t hate it enough for Righteous Joe.

Typical conservative low IQ traits of looking down on others and etc were in play and they gobbled it like the goo in porno films. They are so goddamned easy to predict in absolutely every way. He threw meat out and the hyenas loved it.
“The jerk broke into my house and robbed me. I want him in that tent jail”. Again standard conservative response. Instead I would prefer the bastard be out on probation with weekly reporting and employment required. Once employed half the earnings gross go to the victim. If he quits it’s another job within 1 week or to jail. In jail they go to frigging work 6 days a week. $.10@hour to the inmate’s commissary account. The rest to the victims. Doing what work? Chain gang clearing wood lots, highway right of ways, sweeping streets. A few weeks on the chain gang and back outside to get a job and repeat. Recidivism would drop quickly.
At some point the protesters will cross a imaginary line in the orange psychos mind and he will order his militia nut jobs and the faceless illegal federal troops to start killing people, it's coming.

Maybe if he gets a second term he can have tax payers build him a colosseum so he can have live executions. It is scary how he has empowered over and over the worst in the people who are in position to do the most damage to our fellow citizens.