Wash bugs off of buds?


Well-Known Member
My plant has been hanging to dry for 3 days now. Thing is, its still covered in bugs....

Can I wash the buds off or even soak the buds in water for a few minutes to get the bugs off?? Even though its been drying for 3 days??

I thought it was like water curing but a little late...

Feedback Please!!! I need to know what to do ASAP!!!!


Man o' the green

Active Member
One trick I've used is to dry in the dark ( of course ) and place a nightlight across the room. Light loving bugs leave my plants and die over at the light.
My plant has been hanging to dry for 3 days now. Thing is, its still covered in bugs....

Can I wash the buds off or even soak the buds in water for a few minutes to get the bugs off?? Even though its been drying for 3 days??

I thought it was like water curing but a little late...

Feedback Please!!! I need to know what to do ASAP!!!!

I've never water cured but I am pretty sure buds are dried before they are cured. Give it a test run with a few infested buds by soaking them for a while like you said. Be sure to shake off excess water afterwards to prevent mold and keep them isolated away from infected area and inspect them then.

Until someone with some def knowledge replies (hope 4 u soon) try what Man o' the green said as it makes sense.

Good Luck:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks to both of you. I'm gonna try both ideas right now. + REP to both of you for helping me in desperate times :)

Please add your input if you have any!!!! Any experts on Curing???


Well-Known Member
I washed all the bugs off and there was a film of oil on top of the water...

It losses ALL of its stickiness. it was extra fluffy but less resin. It was still a great high though. I just tried it on about 10 grams.

Won't be doing THAT again!!!!!!

Don't wash bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I placed a no pest strip close to my drying buds....found no live bugs after 24 hours of exposure.