Washington D.C. Legalizes Medical Marijuana


Active Member
​The D.C. Council on Tuesday approved amendments to a medical marijuana law first passed in 1998 by 69 percent of District voters. Congress had blocked implementation of Initiative 59 for more than a decade, until it lifted its ban last year.

With Tuesday's vote, the District of Columbia joins the 14 states across the country which already allow qualified patients to use medical marijuana without fear of arrest.

"Today marks a long overdue victory for D.C. voters and potentially thousands of chronically ill residents who will benefit from legal access to medical marijuana," said Karen O'Keefe, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project.

Karen O'Keefe, MPP: "The District will at last have a law that recognizes... marijuana can be safe and effective medicine"
​"It has taken nearly 12 years, but the District will at last have a law that recognizes the mounting scientific consensus that, for many conditions, marijuana can be safe and effective medicine," O'Keefe said.

"A well-working medical marijuana program in the nation's capital will also provide members of Congress who have never seen such programs up close with a unique opportunity to do so," O'Keefe said. "Once they see for themselves that these laws do nothing but provide compassionate care for seriously ill patients, hopefully they will understand the need to create a federal po.ilcy that no longer criminalizes patients in any state who could benefit from this legitimate treatment option."

Under the District's law, physicians will be able to give medical marijuana recommendations to patients suffering from HIV/AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, and other serious conditions that can be alleviated through marijuana.

Qualified patients will have access to their medicine through a limited number of dispensaries within the District.

Unfortunately the District followed the bad example of New Jersey, the most recent state to allow medical use of marijuana, by prohibiting patients from cultivating their own medicine.

Currently, 14 states have effective medical marijuana laws and more than a dozen others are considering them.

In November, South Dakotans will vote for the second time on a medical marijuana ballot initiative, and Arizona is expected to have one on the ballot as well.

Eighty-one percent of Americans support medical marijuana laws, according to a January ABC News/Washington Post poll.

This is a huge step for our country guys....now we need to get the rest of the country on board.

its about time some more states joined in....I believe arizona has it on their ballot as well this year...
Ain't that ironic?

More than 25% of the states are legal now. The train is picking up steam.
so isnt dc the model of our federal policy???? so if its legal there, it should be legal in the whole nation by default.
so isnt dc the model of our federal policy???? so if its legal there, it should be legal in the whole nation by default.

I've printed the article out and will be keeping it in my car just incase I get pulled over.

"But sir, Washington D.C. has legalized pot!"
I've printed the article out and will be keeping it in my car just incase I get pulled over.

"But sir, Washington D.C. has legalized pot!"

It can go two ways, and both are great.... Either its now legal in the rest of the country, or else the constitution only applies to DC, and thus the states can all make their own laws, federal is trumped...... If you're not familiar with what i'm speaking bout, look into it, its damn interesting.
I wish cochran was still alive :)
I wouldn't call what they've done legalizing.

"prohibiting patients from cultivating their own medicine."

You can only buy at the state approved dispensaries, you can't grow your own at all?

I want to know who's to blame for that bullshit. I can't even find the words to describe how I feel about that.

Someone bought a monopoly and we cheer, yea, go team!


yes as in everything in life the more people that do something more people will follow congrats guys! hopefully ina few years recreation will become legal to!
I wouldn't call what they've done legalizing.

"prohibiting patients from cultivating their own medicine."

You can only buy at the state approved dispensaries, you can't grow your own at all?

I want to know who's to blame for that bullshit.


that will be the final end result when its legal nationally...... then it will be a fight between phillip morris, budweiser, and phizer... and all of their competitors, and we will be fucked further..... just one man's opinion though
that will be the final end result when its legal nationally...... then it will be a fight between phillip morris, budweiser, and phizer... and all of their competitors, and we will be fucked further..... just one man's opinion though
Wait until Monsanto get involved. They will tinker with the genetics to make it Roundup Ready and have pest resistance built in. Sounds good other than they will patent everything they modify due to the Roundup Ready modifications and will control all the seed. Just like they do now for corn and soybeans. If they make growing your own illegal, Monsanto could have a lot of control and we may not like what they are doing to the genetics.
that will be the final end result when its legal nationally...... then it will be a fight between phillip morris, budweiser, and phizer... and all of their competitors, and we will be fucked further..... just one man's opinion though

Im still believe allowing medical patients the access to medicinal cannbis is a huge step itself, especially in our nations capitol. Lets hope it makes federal decriminalization soon follows. I understand the laws about growing your own are completely bogus, but seriously, come a little more south and check out our laws on cannabis, I would kill to be only allowed to get my meds at a dispensary....still beats risking my freedom.

Just my opinion though.....I cant wait to be able to grow again though(or hell, ill just take the government run dispensary ;)) :[
Wait until Monsanto get involved. They will tinker with the genetics to make it Roundup Ready and have pest resistance built in. Sounds good other than they will patent everything they modify due to the Roundup Ready modifications and will control all the seed. Just like they do now for corn and soybeans. If they make growing your own illegal, Monsanto could have a lot of control and we may not like what they are doing to the genetics.

agreed.... as they are trying to do with any crop grown from seed in the world...... but I still have seeds, how bout you? ;)

Im still believe allowing medical patients the access to medicinal cannbis is a huge step itself, especially in our nations capitol. Lets hope it makes federal decriminalization soon follows. I understand the laws about growing your own are completely bogus, but seriously, come a little more south and check out our laws on cannabis, I would kill to be only allowed to get my meds at a dispensary....still beats risking my freedom.

Just my opinion though.....I cant wait to be able to grow again though(or hell, ill just take the government run dispensary ;)) :[

how much further south??? you notice my avatar? the star is about where i live.... i'm FULLY aware of the horrible laws down south in regards to drugs.
A lot of laws are really sad, that doesn't excuse creating new sadder laws to take advantage of the sick and dying.

How many of you that actually are med patients and use it all the time could actually even afford to buy what you need?

I sure as hell couldn't, no way. I can barely afford to grow it and that's by far a hell of a lot cheaper.

Yes I get what you are saying about monsanto, and marlboro.... That's why I have such a problem with this. Laws like this are set up just for corporations like them and really don't benefit very many if any people. The people who can afford to be legal and pay high prices will be protected with this law, that's all, everyone else can just get fucked basically.
A lot of laws are really sad, that doesn't excuse creating new sadder laws to take advantage of the sick and dying.

How many of you that actually are med patients and use it all the time could actually even afford to buy what you need?

I sure as hell couldn't, no way. I can barely afford to grow it and that's by far a hell of a lot cheaper.

Yes I get what you are saying about monsanto, and marlboro.... That's why I have such a problem with this. Laws like this are set up just for corporations like them and really don't benefit very many if any people. The people who can afford to be legal and pay high prices will be protected with this law, that's all, everyone else can just get fucked basically.

I never said that it's what SHOULD happen, but in a capitalistic society, you just follow the money.
how much further south??? you notice my avatar? the star is about where i live.... i'm FULLY aware of the horrible laws down south in regards to drugs.

The duuuuuuuuurty LOL Im in florida man, and we currently have HB187 that just passed unanimously....and it states that no "headshop" or "tobacco shop" can operate, unless 75% of their sales are on tobacco products. OH, did I mention the new law in Florida that puts a 85% tax on all tobacco products?

You do the math.....85% of 75% of your product.....how would anyone be able to survive? Major retailers work off a larger profit margin...fuck

Find the bill here - http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=42417&SessionId=64

FIGHT THE BILL HERE - http://killbill187.com/
The duuuuuuuuurty LOL Im in florida man, and we currently have HB187 that just passed unanimously....and it states that no "headshop" or "tobacco shop" can operate, unless 75% of their sales are on tobacco products. OH, did I mention the new law in Florida that puts a 85% tax on all tobacco products?

You do the math.....85% of 75% of your product.....how would anyone be able to survive? Major retailers work off a larger profit margin...fuck

Find the bill here - http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=42417&SessionId=64

FIGHT THE BILL HERE - http://killbill187.com/

I'll give it to you there.... FL seems to have a hard-on for pot lately :(