wat is the best way to tell the sex of a plant b4 flowering it

phil le b

Well-Known Member
wat it is i got 15 seeds but they r only regs and want to keep to as a mum and been told to keep a mum she must not of flowered but they said if i take 2cuttings of each palnts and mark them all up so i no wat 1 come from and then keep them in 12/12 and should b able to tell sex in 2weeks so then i wood no wat plants i could keep. so wat do u think people and allways up for hearing new info so please comment cheers peps


Well-Known Member
the only way w/ out taking cutting and force flowering those cutting...is to wait and they will show u ...


Well-Known Member
either take cuttings and force flower the cuttings... force flower and revert the entire plant... or hope that all your plants show preflowers... there really is no other way to determine sex accurately tho... well of course you could use feminized seeds also...



Well-Known Member
paper bag method. check out the link that i sent you. you can induce one part of the plant to flower while the rest of the plant remains in veg. i have used this method successfully many, many times. :peace: