Wat is up? I'm new here


Hey everybody, my name is Jake, I'm 21 years young, I live in Upstate New York, and I smoke pot.

My first time smoking weed was in 11th grade at a party. I was always good at saying "No" when people asked me if I wanted any, but I wanted to try it that night. my Buddy rolled a dutch and we went outside and there was like 5 of us. I took my first hit and I didn't feel shit. It passed real quick and I took another hit..still didn't feel shit. They told me to hit it again, so I did..and then it hit me like a truck. I fell over, I couldn't walk. My vision went, everything was blurry. I was fooked up.

Now, there's something you gotta understand...I'm a skinny guy, weighing in at a massive 127lbs, so my tolerance has always been low. After that party, I didn't touch marijuana again until my first year of college. At that point I would just smoke one-hitters that my friend gave me. I never bought weed or anything. About a year ago, I finally began to smoke daily. At this point I was finishing my 2nd year of college and trying to transfer, so my stress level was through the roof trying to keep my GPA up and finishing up all of the transfer paperwork. 1 or 2 hits was all I needed to calm right the f down.

Now I just finished my third year at college, but am switching my major, which means I'll probably be in school longer than I expected. Economics here I come. I was an Accounting major, but once I reached those cost accounting and intermediate accounting courses...i was ready to shoot myself. Let me tell you younger people than me something: Don't follow the money, follow your passion. I tried following the money and it got me in an area of study that I hated. Money pays the bills, but passion is going to get you somewhere.

Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I started smoking daily, and I still do smoke daily. It helps me not stress, and it really makes me appreciate the great life I have. I was out on the porch about an hour ago (3:00 a.m EST), just smoking a joint, looking up at the stars, and smelling that awesome warm summer air. And all I could think about was how great my life is.

Well, sorry I wrote 2 much, I'm still a little high from that joint and felt like introducing myself and telling you about wats up with me.

Live long and Prosper my friends.