Wat up fellow tokers?

smoker toker

Active Member
Hey what's up everyone? Just thought I'd drop a little intro =) will skip the name but I'm 19 and and smoker of 4 years (yes I started young) and I live in Washington state =) Personally, with an exception of California, I think where I live we have the best smoke around ^_^

I got the name "smoker toker" from my friends. Because I also smoke HUGE ASS cigars, I have the lungs of someone who's been smoking for 50 years and my chums hate it cuz sometimes I take huge hits and the weed goes fast =p but I'm working on it I promise!

I enjoy a good wake n' bake most mornings, and I love writing when I'm fried. Get alot of good ideas flowing =p I also havea habit of rewriting the lyrics of songs when I'm bored so that they're pot songs.. lol.. similar to Weird Al I suppose.

Anyways, thought I'd just say whatsup.

:joint:stay green:joint:
Hey S Toker,

Welcome to the club!!! I love my smoking just as much as you, but i try to keep it down.. especially on the cigars (i don't like them as much as weed so i compromise!) hehehe.. i'm always stoned so i guess i came up with all my great ideas while stoned, however, the not so great, i'm also responsible for!!! hehehe
anyways, just saying what's up and welcome to RIU!