Watch out for cameras guerillas'

Clown Spoog

New Member
This is the most dangerous part of the year for growing. When the cops find a garden they will set up cameras pointing at the plants to catch you in the act. Their not going to leave officers out there hiding. So wear something to cover up your face to be on the safe side. Also when you leave the garden make sure no one is following you before you take your harvest to the stash house.


Well-Known Member
i know. do u have any proof clown? i grew in back of a police department right up against the wall and they didn't even notice it. i harvested about an ounce from it.


Well-Known Member
Cameras are real and they are out there...An experienced guerilla friend of mine found some, they usually game cameras that hunters use to scout deer trails and such...Motion activated weatherproof digital cameras, they have nightvision capabilityes...If you find them, DONT TAKE THEM HOME! It might be just paranoya but they might install a GPS transmitters in them...


Well-Known Member
lol maybe in the states definitly not canada, all the cops dont care theyll jus chop it and move on with there lives


Well-Known Member
It does happen a few years back in my state they did just that found a grow of 20 plus plants set up a camera and caught the guys on film..They got a fine and 6 months in jail. I know the people that got caught. I always have a mask on.


Well-Known Member
I think it will depend on how big your operation is. If you have a handful of plants they will probably just destroy them but a significant amount that is worth their while, they may install cameras. I dont know what the magic number is but i would imagine if you had maybe 10+ in an area they might set up a camera. It has to be financially worth there while, setting up a camera for a few plants is kinda a waste of police resources when there could be bigger fish to fry.

If you find a camera what about just smashing the damn thing or remove the digital card or whatever recording media they are using and then never returning.

Or if you have the finances you could set up your own cameras and catch them before they catch you:)


Active Member
This is the most dangerous part of the year for growing. When the cops find a garden they will set up cameras pointing at the plants to catch you in the act. Their not going to leave officers out there hiding. So wear something to cover up your face to be on the safe side. Also when you leave the garden make sure no one is following you before you take your harvest to the stash house.
*hmmmm*...u know.....the feds do love to camp when u grow 1000+ up in the mountains.......happened to a friend......he came out of the forest....vice had slashed the trucks tires....feds came outta the bushes....they had been camping out there for two days.....*creepy*:cuss: