Water Curing question - Do I need RO water or can it be tap water?


Active Member
Can I conduct a Water Cure by using regular tap water or does it need to be specifically RO water?
I've read couple water cure guides but one says RO and one says clean water?

thank you


bud bootlegger
Idk about using ro water.. I've tried water cure once and would never do it again that's for sure..
Totally killed the smell and a lot of the flavor ime...definitely was less than impressed .. :(


Well-Known Member
I did a water cure with the bud from my 1st grow bc i didn't have time to flush all the way. After the cure and dry it didn't even smell like weed anymore and was harsh as hell. Def would not recommend it to anyone.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
It works for me everytime. Fans off, chop, stick it in RO water like you would do any other cut. Keep the shoot(s) just off the bottom. Ordinary water has iron, mag,calcium etc. 12 light/12dark, trim to hang, 65-70F in a dark place. If they go dry while the light is happening they will go stangy.


Well-Known Member
A buddy just did a water cure and it was the harshest smoke he has ever had!!! So the trichomes degrade fast once amber in like 48 hours so IMO they are degrading while curing and as Martha would say that is not a good thing lol. Keep in mind I have never done it so really dont know lol


Well-Known Member
I experimented with a little bud last grow to see what water cure was like. i used filtered tap that had sat out (same agua as for my plants). I was not impressed either. It was faster. It dry quickly. But the end result just wasn't as pleasurable.