water ph


Active Member
Hey my tap water is 7.5 , is this ok or do i need to adjust it?

If i need to adjust it is there anything other than ph down solution from the hydro shop that works ok..like vinegar? i did spash a few drops of vinegar in my jug and it brought it down to the disered ph,but i wasn't sure if there was things in the vinegar my plant won't like so i never used it..


Well-Known Member
i use vinegar frequently. Dont seem to be having any problems. Vinegar has got to be better than any acidic chemical they may give you IMO. And its cheaper. Oh and yes you need to adjust it. I run a ph of 6.3
From what i have been told,anything between 5.5 and 6.5 should be ok, And seems to work for me, Vinegar is a cool tip though will keep it in mind for emergency


Well-Known Member
Yes lemon juice and vinegar will work but I do not recommend using them. I used vinegar to lower my pH in my first grow and over a few days time I had buildup around the inside of my rez. I bought a 1 L bottle of Advanced Nutrients pH Down for $20 and have had it about a year and have not even used a 1/4 bottle. It is very potent and works like a charm. I have not had a buildup one time since switching vinegar. I use a visine bottle and drop a few drops in the rez to lower the pH.


Active Member
yeh thanks i'm growing in soil.I wonder if that makes a diference ,I'm not growing a big grow just 2 plants so i literaly only have to put one little drop in to my watering jug so i can't see it doing to much harm.I hate my local hydro store as the guy who works there is a creep,and i hate getting things online,bought some cfls online recently and the postman came to my door with 2 boxes that said greenlamp on them,the ****ers didn't even wrap the boxes to hide what it was, basicly the whole damn post office could know ,so i'm through with online for a while.so if i can use vinegar or lemon juice for now i will ,later