Water pump.


Well-Known Member
Any good water pumps on the market I could use for sucking out the water from my DWC?
When the plants get big and the net is up, I can't lift them up to change water.
I used a regular water pump you would use in a aquarium with a hose on it to pump out water before but it wont empty the tank completely.
They run 12v, power to the float switch then connect the pump to the float switch, there water proof and submergible.
Any good water pumps on the market I could use for sucking out the water from my DWC?
When the plants get big and the net is up, I can't lift them up to change water.
I used a regular water pump you would use in a aquarium with a hose on it to pump out water before but it wont empty the tank completely.
When you say "aquarium water pump" do you mean a siphon? Explain why it is not getting all the water out.
seems I couldn’t post the link check harbor freight for 1/10 hp pump.
Something similar I have been pleased with. Use very soft garden hose cut to the length you need. I pump mine straight down the toilet