Water Questions


Well-Known Member
Is dechlorinated tap water or RO purified water better to use with soil such as Ocean forest...is there a type of water that is preferred overall no matter the soil or setup or is one better for some and vice/versa. i have been going out of my way to purchase RO water for my plants and if it is an expense i can cut then that would be excellent especially if the Tap water has benfits RO does not. I have had 2 successful grows with RO water and fox farms not even PHing...i have heard you should supply extra CAL/MAG when using RO water but i have had no such issues. any thoughts?


with tap water, it just all depends on how good your local tap water is. ive been using distilled water for my nutes and tap water for straight watering. but the water where i live is decent enough to use with straight water. if your tap water is shit, then i would invest in a RO machine, it pays on in potency and price of buying it. the only bad thing is adding an extra Cal-Mag supplement to it, cause RO water is cleansed of everything in it


Well-Known Member
well i live in Alaska so i imagine my water is pretty clean...i would imagine some areas better then others tho...there a way to test water for bad elements? i have grown a couple batches of a local strain called The Chuck which is supposedly a finicky plant with absolutely no problem in Fox Farms Ocean Forest with only literally one additional feeding the whole life cycle and no deficiencies whatsoever using only RO water bought in gallon jugs from the store.


Well-Known Member
I use FFOF too and tap water that has been sitting out for a day or 2 to evap the Cl. Works fine man. RO water you will have to substitute calcium and Mg


Well-Known Member
with tap water, it just all depends on how good your local tap water is. ive been using distilled water for my nutes and tap water for straight watering. but the water where i live is decent enough to use with straight water. if your tap water is shit, then i would invest in a RO machine, it pays on in potency and price of buying it. the only bad thing is adding an extra Cal-Mag supplement to it, cause RO water is cleansed of everything in it
your better off using RO water when u feed and tap water when u just use water..i do "some what" the same..i use half RO and half TAP for every gallon..you'd be better of with RO rather then distilled just cuz it's cheaper, i also use to use half distilled and half tap then i bought a 5gallon jug and started going to the water store for RO water..5gallons of RO for $1.25 and one gallon of distilled is about $1.00