Water Techniques???


Hey, I got 6 plants going, about a week old. This is my first crop and i am very concernd about under and over watering. At the plant store they had like a glass blown water feeder that looked like the shape of a mini water tower. the idea is you fill it with water then stick in upside down into the pot of dirt and it only despences water as the plant drink's it. any one have luck with this?? and how often should i be watering them, they are 2 femenized (exdous cheese, auto big bang) and 4 autoflowering (auto blueberry, speed devil #2, La-Diva automatic, and 1 more). they are between 1 - 3 inches tall now.bongsmilie


Active Member
Keep soil moist, good 3 day schedule is water 1st day, check 2nd day mist if needed, water 3rd.
We all tend to think more is better, dosent work with with MJ...more is less.
After one month give them a shot of worm casting tea w/eye dropper at base of plant
watch them take off.


Active Member
What I like to do is get to know how heavy the pot is when it is dry or wet. Just a little lift and you can tell the moisture content.
This is an acquired ability, I have been growing plants for 30+ years, but you will pick it up fast.

Another is just to stick your finger in the pot, down about 3/4 inch, if it is moist don't water.

Overwatering can be worse than underwatering, root rot and poor plant growth.


Well-Known Member
The right pot size will help you achieve a good watering schedule as well and when that pot gets too small repot to a bigger one. I like to use a pot that will allow my soil to dry in 5/6 days ready for its next watering, too big a pot and i got to wait ages and too small is not good for a big plant. If the top dries too quickly and the base is still wet then cover the top of the soil or pot to reduce moisture loss and help the soil more evenly dry. There are lots of aspects to keep good watering schedules in soil and to achieve an evenly lightweight pot that signifies it is ready for watering which is my test also but i have to keep in mind all the other things as well. Those tower waterer's are good for if you have to go on vaccation or somthing and seen lots of different kinds that do the same job, if you visit your grow room reguarly it would be better that you take care of the watering as the tower feeder isn't so great compared to human judgement.