

Active Member
This is a great way to smoke efficiently. It's easy and you probably have everything you need in your house. You also need a working sink or some way to fill the bottle with water. I used to do this at a lake.

I personally like this method better than the bucket gravity bong because it's not bulky and it's easier to hit it.

Gatorade bottle (20 oz in the picture but 32's are better. If you don't mind using the bathtub instead of s sink, try a 2 liter:joint:)

Socket from a socket wrench (bowlpieces from waterpipes are better if you have one)

Stick the knife through the cap... to make it easier you can melt the cap a little with your lighter. Be careful and do it somewhere well-ventilated.

When the hole you make with the knife (twist it) is almost as big as the socket, melt the cap a little and push the socket through. Now you have an airtight bowl.

Either: 1) Melt a small hole in the bottle or 2) Cut a hole in the bottle. The hole should be small enough to where you can cover it with your finger and should be at the bottom of the bottle.

Fill the bottle up with water, blocking the hole in the bottle with your finger.

Screw the cap on (the bowl should be packed already).

As you light the bowl, take your finger off the hole. The bottle will fill with smoke as the water runs out.

When the water runs out, take the cap off and breathe in the smoke.
:hump: *repeat however many times you deem necessary* :hump:

Note: with practice you'll find the right touch with how fast you let the water run out and how you light it. Breaking up whatever you're smoking into small pieces (or grinding it) helps you get really thick hits.


Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
lol I do that all the time. Except with a 2 litere. I hate it when Im using my gravity bong, and it blows out the hit. My dad walked in once when I had a 2 litere of smoke, he was like wtf is that? I just took the whole thing, then I gave him a hit. We just caughed and laughed. I like how if you havent smoked any that day, and you do a really big hit, it takes like 5 min to kick in. Its grat cuz you can be not stoned, then if somebody against weed happens to walk in you can just pretend nothing happend then, like 5 min later you're as high as a kite!


Well-Known Member
Brilliant idea! I may try it with a 5 gallon bucket, a half quarter, and a snorkel. I'm not sure how it'll all work out, but damn what an adventure it'll be :)

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Damn. I dunno. Ive seen it done with like a 8th and a water cooler, down at the river. It was rigged up with like 6 hoses, that were plugged. Let me tell you I have neaver seen some much pot smoke in one place


Well-Known Member
lol, a half quarter is an eighth. I was just kiddin, I don't think I could handle that much at one time without going comatose for a day or two. But I do like the idea. Sounds like a right samoothe smoke.