Watering Advice


Active Member
I know this has to be asked to death but I am going to ask again.
I started some bag seed in peat pots
with miracle grow soil. I am now at two weeks and transplanted them to 6 inch grow bags with a even mix of peat , perilte and vermiculite. I must say the plants reacted most positively to the change.
Early on i was with help here i was able to identify an over watering issue and corrected in time to prevent losses.
With the new medium it is a little different to judge and of course I used ample water for the transplant process.
Just like a new mother I am anxious to feed my babies.
How dry should I let them get before feeding and watering the first time.
I will be using fish emulsion at 1/3 strength to start.
Presently when I probe the mix I can detect moisture but it is not damp and the plants are not stressed.


Well-Known Member
If you're anxious about over watering do some foliar feeding.

Do your grow bags have have holes for run-off?


Active Member
thanks mismos
the bags have holes and drainage is great.
i guess i am looking for a confidence boost.
from what i can gather its best to let the medium
dry some.


Well-Known Member
Depending on soil mix (mine 50-50% promix/potting soil) I water seedlings to 10" plants every 3-4 days..... at about 12-15" its every 2nd day.. Luck.


Well-Known Member
thanks mismos
the bags have holes and drainage is great.
i guess i am looking for a confidence boost.
from what i can gather its best to let the medium
dry some.
Some, yes. But if you notice the plant starting to droop you've waited too long.

You'll figure it out, with the amount of emotional investment we put into our plants (not to mention money) people tend to learn pretty quick the wrong and right way to do things.


Well-Known Member
There are so many factors involved with watering and feeding that its hard for anyone to tell you exactly when you should water/feed.


I know this has to be asked to death but I am going to ask again.
I started some bag seed in peat pots
with miracle grow soil. I am now at two weeks and transplanted them to 6 inch grow bags with a even mix of peat , perilte and vermiculite.
Hey petrock been following a few of your posts and i see you have got a an even mix of peat , perilte and vermiculite for your growing medium, can you please tell me what nutes you are using as i have heard differenig opinions for what nutes to use for a soilless mix.. cheers mate.


Well-Known Member
I recommend try finding a water amount they can take and give it to them a day before they start to droop. You'll of course end up having to see them droop every once in awhile to know you waited a day late but this has worked great for me.

I use 24oz plastic bottles fill a gallon jug with water ph/nute it then pour it into five (I have 5 plants going) 24oz plastic bottles. I use a seperate 1 litter bottle for my clones and sprouts that just gets ph'd and maybe some mollasses from time to time. Mine use to be able to take water every 3 days this way but now they seem to droop a little on day 3 so I'll be adjusting to every 2 days. I also go with my nutes every other watering unless I see signs of stress then I back off some for a few waterings. :joint:
If you need to oknow when to water....here is what I have been doing.

Keep your grow room a little warmer than usual. Eventually, you will notice that the very outer edges of your plants leaves curl up a little bit and if you shine a light right on them....the outer edges will look dried out.

Water when it looks like this. Also....If the top 3 inches of the soil is dry...water.


Active Member
hello dave
presently i am using something called Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1
I am pleased. also the soil mixture is great and easy to work with.
i started with peat pots and MG soil while not a disaster i did find
it to be inconsistent as to water control.
another thing i am trying is to actually weigh the grow medium dry and wet
too judge where i am at. it seems to give a little extra comfort if nothing
i am happy to say with the repotting and the nutes the plants are looking good.
i hope to make a few mods to a closet and move some plants to a flowering
stage next week . i stiil have some questions about introducing budding nutes though .
i think i will just go for something from Home Depot for now.
still learning but i think i am tracking well thus far.
hey keep in touch and good luck