watering plants


Active Member
Hey all,

i have 2 northen lights autoflowers,

they are about 12-14 days old now ( i lost track lol )

they are both in 6 gallon pots, my question is how much water should i give then each, and how often?
do i keep watering till there is some water comming out the bottom of the plant pot? or not because it may drown them?

also would autoflowers be best in 24 hour light a day?

thank you for your time,

any replies would be helpful :)
Woah 6 gallons is a shitload of space for an AF (:

The plants enjoy it most being watered when the medium is pretty dry. Either stick your finger in (top 2-3 inches should be dry) or lift the pot (after doing this a few times you'll get the feel). That seem to be the most commonly used ways to determine time for watering.

I generally just give them a good watering so that the entire soil is wet and saturated (hardly taking up any more water) and the pot is really heavy.

They're different opinions on the Light-Cycle for AF's. Personally I'd recommend a 20/4 or maybe 18/6 cycle but it's really up to you.


Active Member
thank you for the fast reply :)

should i make sure that i do have some run off water, to make sure the bottom of the pot is getting water aswell?

also, does having a dark period of some hours help the plant? is there something special cannabis does during dark hours?

sorry for all the questions, you could probably guess this is my first grow :)