watering question???

im now currently flowering my ladies. My question is do i feed nuets everytime i feed or nuets 1 feed then reg h2o the next feeding ??? any comments would helpp thanks



Well-Known Member
feed then water is what most people do i think, i typically feed, water, water, feed
edit: assuming your in soil, i suppose in a recirculating hydro system, you will feed every time you water...


Active Member
I feed every watering. This will be different for every person in every grow setup.

How much feed and water your plants take is based on several variables.

Light intensity, higher light intensity is faster growth, therefore more nutes needed
Temp, ideal temp is between 78-82 for flowering cannabis, temps bellow this and the plant grows slower, therefore less nutes and water needed.
Humidity also effects growth, in flower go for 50-60% RH. research "vapor pressure deficit" to see how this works.

High temps, with low humidity cause fast water/nutrient uptake and can cause burning with a low nutrient EC. Lower temps and higher humidity slows down nutrient uptake
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Once they start to flower I feed every time but cut way back to like 20 percent of nitorgen or grow. The bloom is full str.


Well-Known Member
Looks fine whatever you're doing.
Some people do water, water, feed.
Some do water, feed, water
I personally do the water, feed, water, but You need to watch your plants for them to show what they want or need.