watering question


Active Member
i just transplanted my female into the outdoors.. it seems like it wont be getting water for another week will this kill the plant...i watered the plant well when it was still in the pot..


Well-Known Member
hope u watered when u transplanted if so it will depend on the temp wind and humidity if it was kind of cool with not much wind and high humidity then youll be ok but if not i would be a little concerned


Well-Known Member
i just transplanted my female into the outdoors.. it seems like it wont be getting water for another week will this kill the plant...i watered the plant well when it was still in the pot..
Cannabis is a very tough plant. It can take it. If you watered it when you transplanted it, it should be fine for at least a week. I visit my plants once a week to water on a regular basis, and they do very well. In fact, sometimes I skip a week (so they go two weeks). And if I water more then that, they get over watered and start looking saggy and poor.

Just make sure that when you do water them you drench them. I have about 33% perlite in my soil mix too, though, and that helps a lot to retain moisture.


Well-Known Member
You did transplant to the ground, right?

If so, they will be fine for at least a week.


Active Member
yea i watered it pretty good before i tranplanted it i think it should be fine....btw i flowered it for about almost two weeks indoor before i could transplant it outdoors so will the plant still be able to veg a little more before it flowers... i live in wisconsin...before i transplanted it i could see the forming of female flowers... would my girl be able to reveg....

btw thanks for all of ur input makes me happy, my guy just got some himalayan gold bud that he grew indoors and he invited me to come choke up with him so gtg... keep it bud.:joint: