Watering Schedule ?


Active Member
I have a 4x4 room with 4 plants that are 45in tall under a 400 HPs and are in 5 gal buckets. Right now I feed every other watering and I water 2 times a week. I use the Foxfarm linup. I need to now how many times a week should I water, and how many cups per bucket? Advise Please
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Well-Known Member
Water them when they're dry and the bucket feels light. Put enough water in till you see it just coming out the bottom. You might want to measure that so you know however, I find it changes week to week. The plants seem to drink more as the grow goes on.


Well-Known Member
also water very slow. a little at a time I started spraying and it takes along time for the run off to start. I use 2x the water and water less often. all the soil gets moist. when you dump water it flow threw and out fast leaving little moisture so you water more often.


Well-Known Member
Definitely +rep for the twice a week watering schedule. Once or twice a week is the way to go. Overwatering is the most likely problem for most grows. First off, why do you think you are overwatering ? Second off, do you have some type of drainage holes in the buckets ? That will cause an overwatering situation if the plants and evaporation aren't using all the water you are putting in. Your plants will droop if you are overwatering. If you want to be sure about it, just get one of those cheap plant moisture meters you always see in the gardening section. Wait till it gets down to about 2 on the scale and water again, then you'll get an idea of how much water you need to be giving them if you want to be precise. If your plants are doing well and looking good then you are doing just fine.