watering schedule ?


Active Member
This my first time growing indoors and started 3 plants from seed about 3 weeks ago and to be honest they look quite good so far. They are under (6) 4' t12 40w grolux bulbs and are about 7-10" tall. I would like to introduce some fox farm fertilizers on them soon but how do i schedule that. It says to feed as directed (obviously slow to begin) which calls for 2 feedings a week. My plants dont seem to need watering on a bi-weekly basis....Should i water with less water per time and fear inadequate despersal of the water or skip the every other feeding and fert 1 once a week without staright water everyother.......any help is greatly apreciated.


Well-Known Member
Should i water with less water per time and fear inadequate despersal
You fears, are correct. That's not a good idea, at all. They should always be watered/fed thoroughly, even to the point of having a little runoff. How big are the pots? They might not even need fed, if it's much bigger than a gallon. At any rate, start out with a really weak mixture, like 1/4 strength, see how they react, then work your way up from there. Also, I only feed once a week, and do fine(4 gallon pots). Actually,you can feed every watering, too. I see alot of guys do it, very effectively. Either way works, as long as you have your schedule tweaked to what works for YOU and YOUR plants. :wink: No schedule(Like FF's) is universal for all grows, they just put you in the ballpark, of what it considered average. From there, it's your job to 'read' your plants, and to adjust to what they are telling you(early deficiencies, etc...). My best advice, is to start weak, especially if they look healthy now. You can always add more, but, if you happen to add too much, it's much harder to reverse.