Watering seems to be an issue some one help !!



i have three plants, and i am using t5 lighting. They are getting 18 hours of light a day. However they seem to be droopy i am watering them once a day or every other day. I know i should not be watering everyday but when i do water i do not water heavy at all and come the next day the soil is all dry and crusty, so i water. Any ideas ? Here are some pics.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
dig your finger down as far as you can let them dry out until the soil is dry not dry looking then water generously and then hold off on watering again until its dry 4-5 days

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dry out your plants for a few days. Water one of them. Pick up the one you've just watered to feel how heavy it is. Then pick up a dry one to feel how heavy that one is. When your pots get around that light, then water. Weight of the pots is the best well to tell if your plants need water IMO. How the top of the soil looks is not a good indication. Water is heavy, if there is water in the soil there is a noticeable weight difference.