Watering with beer??


Active Member
i was lookin on a few websites earlier about alternative watering solutions that can help your plant produce a different taste. among these "alternative solutions" was beer, dilluted piss, orange juice, unsweetened coffee tea and kool-ade, etc. anybody ever tried any of these or heard anything about it??:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I used bleach once and got the dankest buds ever.

If it's taste you're after - genetics/proper curing should be your focus. It's not as simple as finding an answer inside of a bottle or can.


Well-Known Member
This sort of thing has been tried for as long as people have been growing (ie decades) and everything I've heard, and everything I know about adding flavoring agents to rooted plants indicates that it doesn't work.

Flavor/odoring agents are generally large molecules, and plant roots CANNOT uptake them.

IMO beer is a particularly poor choice for this sort of experiment. Not only is alcohol potentially toxic to plants roots and beneficial soil bacteria, the residual sugars and such in there are likely to attract insects.

If you want your weed to taste like beer, take a sip in between puffs. Or better yet, mix a little dried hops in with your herb.

Hops is a nice fragrant herb in its own right, and not only is it distantly related to cannabis, but some people believe that hops have a psychoactive effect all by themselves.


Well-Known Member
ive heard about using dilluted piss for nitrogen..but ive never heard of anything else. like stated above. just dry and cure well and your weed will taste fine.


Well-Known Member
The PH of most beer is between 3.9 and 4.2...yer an idiot for even thinking thats something good to pour into any system...even if you water it down and adjust its PH...yeah its probably got some phosphates in it...but you'd have to dilute it so much to begin with to not throw the entire system out of wack its not even worth trying...but hey more power to you if you do try it :D


Well-Known Member
The PH of most beer is between 3.9 and 4.2...yer an idiot for even thinking thats something good to pour into any system...even if you water it down and adjust its PH...yeah its probably got some phosphates in it...but you'd have to dilute it so much to begin with to not throw the entire system out of wack its not even worth trying...but hey more power to you if you do try it :D
Another respectful and positive post. You are full of them.


Active Member
My mom used to use beer on plants all the time. She would let it become stale first then pour it in. There is alot of microbial life in beer and the yeast is nitrogen. Do not know about flavor but if your not doing organic I doubt it would be much help otherwise.


Active Member
how the fuck can weak piss help the taste of yer bud r u mental , who the fuck wants pissy weed , NOT ME THATS FOR SURE