watering with miracle grow out of a 2 gal water can?


Active Member
on the back of the miracle grow it says 1 tablespoon per gal but i got a 2 gal watering can so should i add 2 tablespoons then and how much per plant?


Well-Known Member
how old is your plant? what's she in? throw us a bone with a little more info....


Well-Known Member
na dude check out the box again it should say for indoor plants to use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. The small end of the spoon. Go by that, that's what I went by to start with and I've never burned my plants (badly). Let them build up a tolerance to it. Now I give them 3 teaspoons per gallon every other watering until the start to show signs of burn (just slightly browning on tips or edges of fan leaves) then i give 'em 2 water only waterings and the are growing pretty good. That's the very best method I've come up for MG feeding through trial and error.

Oh and remember to only feed or water them when the soil is dry to the bottom of their roots (guesstimate) especially when they're seedlings you want their roots stretching out for that water. The reason you wanna let the soil dry out is because you want the plant to think it's in a drought and start to produce resin to protect itself.
Happy Growing!!


PS trust me on this


Well-Known Member
I would use 1/3 the amount listed. MG is powerful stuff and it has burned tons of peoples plants over the years.


Well-Known Member
and there outdoor so i thought it said 1 tablespoon per gal
Sorry assumed indoor for some dumb reason not that I know if it would make a difference. Just be easy with it use 1/3 or 1/2 dose first time and check the leaves if they're slightly burned let just give 'em plain water the next feeding or so. get the feel for what the need.


Well-Known Member
Yep start at like 1/4 strength and step it up slowly every other watering. MiracleGro will grow some amazing plants if you let it do its thing and don't over do it. It's just TOO good for some people, literally.


Well-Known Member
Oh and if you don't already know this: NO FOLIAR FEEDING WITH MG! period
Splash a little on your leaves and it'll burn 'em. Only water the soil.


Active Member
alright thanks so ill use about a half a tablespoon then u think?and how often would u do it i was thinking about once every week on like the same day but idk should i be giving each plant a gallon o it?


Active Member
how should my watering cycle be i was planing on watering with plain water every monday and water with miracle grow on like every tursday...would this be a good way to do it or would that be to much water for them?


Well-Known Member
Oh and if you don't already know this: NO FOLIAR FEEDING WITH MG! period
Splash a little on your leaves and it'll burn 'em. Only water the soil.
You can foliar feed but you have to be careful. Outdoors we would foliar feed at night when we watered, the dew would wash off remaining salts in the morning. Indoors you would need rinse it down before putting it under lights.


Well-Known Member
how should my watering cycle be i was planing on watering with plain water every monday and water with miracle grow on like every tursday...would this be a good way to do it or would that be to much water for them?

Here's the thing. I don't have a set watering schedule. I check my plants everyday and if their soil is dry, and I mean dry down to where I think the bottom of their root ball is, i water them and I feed them every other watering until they start to show that they don't need anymore nutes(edges of the leaves slightly burning) then just straight water for the next 2 waterings then i start that cycle all over again. and that's all. Water when dry. Nutes every other watering. And pay attention!


Well-Known Member
You can foliar feed but you have to be careful. Outdoors we would foliar feed at night when we watered, the dew would wash off remaining salts in the morning. Indoors you would need rinse it down before putting it under lights.
Interesting thanks!