wats up guys


Wats up guys this is my first time tryn to grow mjSo I want to knw if i can start to grow plant in september or oct outdoorsit will be great if someone can help me with this all help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
next march or april would be best its a little cooler in florida around this time of year i suggest an indoor grow box if anything something small to start out like a pc box or dealzer box like mine


Well-Known Member
Miami? Yeah, you're golden. You can grow autos year round. They won't pack on the weight they would during the spring/summer, but they will put out some pot.


Well-Known Member
Check out DNA Genetics 60 day Lemon Auto. It does not need 18 hours of light. Most autos don't really need 18 hours they just benefit from it. Your yield won't be much but you might learn some things for your next grow. The Lemon Auto does not need any special light or longer hours so you might have a chance. If you are in northern FL you might need to bring them inside on the cool nights but anything south of Orlando might be fine. You have nothing to lose. Give it a shot.

If you do bring them in at night you could add some supplemental lighting and that would increase your yield. I have grown autos outside in CO where night temps get well below 50 in the summer. Just bring them in or cover them up. It would be interesting to see how you do.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Check out the DIY on this site or youtube. Instructions and ideas are pretty easy to find with a little research.