Active Member
I am trying to make sure I am at least in the right general range for my grow and I don't have a proper light meter and cannot afford even a cheap one yet. I just want to make sure I am not under-powering things and wasting potential.
My setup is a QB96V2 overhead(with homemade reflector), and a total of 10 Samsung A strips(5 each on left and right sides). The QB is running at 110W currently because I turned it up today, but for the first 20 days or so of flower was running around 90W. The strips are now at 75W, but were running at 50W for the first 20 days or so of 12/12. My space is a 2x2 footprint with about 6 feet vertical space. Right now that puts me at about 27.5W per square foot overhead and about 46.25W total with the strips factored in, or about half that per cubic foot of my plant. The QB96V2 is about 20 inches above the canopy and the Samsung side strips are 2" or less depending on how I have the plant turned.
Here is a recent shot of it, a few days old now but it shows the idea. She was at day 30 in this shot but is at day 38 now.

I just finished eliminating some russet hemp mites on my plants and some of them are still showing some issues from that but are now growing so much better. You can really see the difference between the leaves that were there whent he bugs were and the ones that grew after.
Anyway, anyone with QB96 experience would be appreciated here. I am very poor and this is my only hope at a solid medical supply here so I really need to maximize my yield. I have put a lot of work into this cabinet and will be building another one next to it soon. The hemp mites were a major setback, but this run of Summer Breeze Trifoliate seems to be going a lot better now that they're gone. I'll be running Gooey 13 next. Those two strains are the only ones that survived the mites. Summer Breeze Trifoliate is very hardy against them in veg, but my first attempt to flower the original got ruined by them. Worst pest I have ever dealt with and I have had spider mites before. It was chrysanthemum spray that finally won the war; nothing else seemed to do it. I'm just really glad this unique specimen survived. Its an interesting plant with no large internodal fan leaves and a trifoil growth pattern. She got a lot of veg time thanks to my war against the mites. She's in a grow bag that is a little under 10 gallons.
My setup is a QB96V2 overhead(with homemade reflector), and a total of 10 Samsung A strips(5 each on left and right sides). The QB is running at 110W currently because I turned it up today, but for the first 20 days or so of flower was running around 90W. The strips are now at 75W, but were running at 50W for the first 20 days or so of 12/12. My space is a 2x2 footprint with about 6 feet vertical space. Right now that puts me at about 27.5W per square foot overhead and about 46.25W total with the strips factored in, or about half that per cubic foot of my plant. The QB96V2 is about 20 inches above the canopy and the Samsung side strips are 2" or less depending on how I have the plant turned.
Here is a recent shot of it, a few days old now but it shows the idea. She was at day 30 in this shot but is at day 38 now.

I just finished eliminating some russet hemp mites on my plants and some of them are still showing some issues from that but are now growing so much better. You can really see the difference between the leaves that were there whent he bugs were and the ones that grew after.
Anyway, anyone with QB96 experience would be appreciated here. I am very poor and this is my only hope at a solid medical supply here so I really need to maximize my yield. I have put a lot of work into this cabinet and will be building another one next to it soon. The hemp mites were a major setback, but this run of Summer Breeze Trifoliate seems to be going a lot better now that they're gone. I'll be running Gooey 13 next. Those two strains are the only ones that survived the mites. Summer Breeze Trifoliate is very hardy against them in veg, but my first attempt to flower the original got ruined by them. Worst pest I have ever dealt with and I have had spider mites before. It was chrysanthemum spray that finally won the war; nothing else seemed to do it. I'm just really glad this unique specimen survived. Its an interesting plant with no large internodal fan leaves and a trifoil growth pattern. She got a lot of veg time thanks to my war against the mites. She's in a grow bag that is a little under 10 gallons.