Spider mites commonly infect plants to feed off the foliage. These tiny insects are nearly invisible to the naked eye, making them difficult to detect. Leaf damage appears as light dots on foliage and may take on a bronze hue. As infestation continues, leaves turn yellow and drop from the plant. Tiny white webs may be visible behind the leaves and along stems. Spider mites appear as tiny moving specks that range in color from brown to red. Without intervention, spider mites pose a threat to your plant's health.You can create
a home remedy for spider mites on plants with a few common household supplies.
Step 1
Mix 1 Tbsp. mild dish detergent ( one with no fragrance if possible ) with 1 quart lukewarm water in a spray bottle. Mix to create mild suds.
Step 2
Lightly spray top and underside of leaves .
Step 3
Repeat every three to four days until plants are free of spider mite infestation. The soapy water will not kill the eggs, so it may take a month or more to totally eradicate all spider mites.
This will help until you get the proper spray treatment - neem oil or Azamax