Ways in wich ive found to increase yeild (12/12 ) from seed

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Hi all , bin doing 12 / 12 from seed for a while now , and have a few tips to share ,

1) get your first transplant to your final pot , in fast ......i only use a party cup for about 12 days then they go in there final pots , giving your plants roots room to grow straight away is a massive bonus i have found , plants ive left for to long in there party cups never come out as big , you only have a short period of time before the plant stops growing and goes into stretch (flowering )

2) go easy on the nutes , i never give my plants any feed untill i have a good load of pistols formed ,(i use bio bizz flowering) and i only feed my plants twice in the whole cycle , its so easy to fuck your grow up by over feeding i constantly see peoples threads about plant problems and 99% of the time im sure its over feeding and over watering , i hardley use any water and hardly any feed and i swear i NEVER have had any kind of problem with my plants and they still produce thick buds .
i judge the watering by how light my pots feel , you can easily tell when there is no water left in the soil by the weight .
3) this may sound contriversal but twice a week i give my plants upto 20 hours of light , i feel the extra light gives them a growth spurt , and i have never had any ill effect from doing this , some people will cry , that disrupting the flowering cycle will cause hermies, but ive never had one plant go hermie and twice a week i give my plants one day of pure lights on .
4) experiment with strains , some strains react better to 12/12 from seed than others , some of the best for me have been , blue cheese , northen lights , early misty , phat n fruity , and generaly any early flowering indicas , ive tried lots of sativas but sativas seem to grow to lanky and skinny and it seems they dont get enough time to produce enough foilige before going into flower , saying that though sativas are my fav lol

so yeah a couple of tips for you guys , you may allready of heard them but i hope i can help someone out there .:blsmoke:

allways glad to help anyone with any questions ,

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
lol i had loads of tips and stuff in my head before i sparked this joint up now i cant think of half of what i wanted to put down lol


Active Member
Hey, I'm thinking of doing a 12/12 using CFL's. Do you use CFL's? Do you know what light spectrum are best to use? Just red or mixed?

Also do you have any pictures of your 12/12 plants?

And would you suggest topping them or not?

And how long does it normally take?

Serious brain picking there!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
hi yes i use cfls nowadays they are great imo , i use a mixed spectrum untill the plants start properly flowering ( producing pistils )i think the extra 6400k helps give them a boost at the start , then i switch to all 2700k red bulbs for the rest of flowering .but its allso fine to keep the mixed spectrum all the way through ,some people say the mixed spectrum helps with tricome develepment but i dont know ? im allways worried the 6400k will make them stretch more when they start flowering .
i dont post any pics sorry .
dont top them , they wont have enough time to recover , they usualy start flowering about 3 weeks after they pop up through the soil .
your looking at 12 plus weeks alltogether .youve got roughly 2 to 4 weeks of initial growing time before the plant starts to flower then youve got the usual 8 plus weeks of actual flowering time ,12/12 from seed is mastaken for a method that will get you bud the fastest way , and its actualy not , in my opinion its a method that is best used when your growing space is limited and you want small managble plants , its allso great for perpetual growing or growing lots of different strains at the same time .i use it cause it keeps the plants small , and everything in my space is allways on the same light schedule so i dont need two seperate spaces for veg and flower , allso i can be at home when ever my lights are on , i dont havve to leave the lights on when im out workin etc . ( im super paranoid about fire .)


Active Member
I want it mostly for the timing, if I have plants in veg cycle the fans are on during the night to keep my lights cool as the grow is in my bedroom I don't like it, so 12/12 from start is ideal for me. Doesn't bother me how long it takes I like to let nature take its course.

I was thinking along the lines of some 6400k at first and 2700k later, it just makes sense really. Thanks for the advice, I'll be posting about it when it gets started (maybe 3 weeks tills this crop is done)