We Shall See

I'm in the Hospital.

My wife watered the girls. My tap water is 8.5 PH so I have so PH down but she didn't fool with it and probably water them twice. I really need her to feed them.
When you can feed them proper yourself or convince her to help ph adjust lower than normal, let your soil buffer the ph back up. That will help with getting your ph in the soil back and it will give them a little time 2 eat. If you usually adjust to say 6.7 then the next couple times adjust to 5.5 and let the dirt bring up the ph and let the ph of the water lower the soils ph.
I went to urgent care yesterday because I swore I had a UTI (kidneys were hurting something fierce). Urinalysis came back just fine... so this is just back pain? Getting old sucks. I tend to be a hypochondriac about shit though. Every time I visit my primary he tells me how healthy I am, and every year later I'm a nervous wreck seeing him thinking I must clearly be dying of something lol.
Oh I have a good regular Doctor.

We're Ambulance had to get me was in by my Grow Tent.

First Responders oh he is just high. Ambulance people just another day.

My Son Dad wasn't high I know when he is.

Looks like it's going to be 6 weeks. They don't know where they're going to put me.