Weak Brownies/ Hangover


hey guys i'm kinda new here so i'm sorry if this thread isn't supposed to be here.

anyway last weekend i was baking some brownies out of cannabutter. the thing is that i didnt get high or stoned even after eating amounts that would otherwise send me to outerspace (altough we all had eyes red as ruby).

Is it possible that they didnt kick in because i drank enormous amounts of vodka with my friends last night and ate them while my stomach didnt work well?

i used approximately 30 grams of buds (i tried to smoke them and one bowl got me high) plus a jar of leaves and boiled it in that butter for about 8 hours. so i dont think that material want potent enough.

thanks for ideas.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
yeah....I think you just wasted your bud dude. You can't boil it you'll lose most of the butter fat and get left with a pile of mush you gotta keep it on a low simmer.


Well-Known Member

you don't boil it in butter.

you take the butter, mix it into WATER, and 'boil' that... it's really more of a medium heat. exactly on the middle of low n high... it ends up being a slow boil, not a ROARING pasta making boil.....

i've done both. but always kept the water level..... you can't let it dry out...

then pour that into a separate container and put into refrigerator. the butter/fat will float on top and when it's cool enough it will congeal into butter while the water sits below still liquid.

scoop butter out and enjoy.


well thats how i done it. there was 1:1 butter and water plus bud and on low flame so temperature never got past 100 degrees celsius. few months ago i left it boiling for whole day and the butter was kickass.