Weaning seedlings off 18-6 to 15-9

ive only recently starting considering this..... foolish me. I plan on putting my ladies out closer to June when the days in my area are 14 hours and 50 minutes long. i was planning to bring the light schedule down an hour each week. Any advice and anything i should be worried about as far as hermies or other stress, i still havent sexed my plants yet, will the change in light determine thier sex in anyway?
I don't do any special light procedure, I run 18-6 till they go out or i put them in flower
Give your seedlings all the light they can take. Id rather have them under 24hr than cut it back. If 15 hrs in your tent doesnt put them in flower why would 15 hrs of sun
Just incase you werent sure the change in light doesnt determine sex. The reduction in light tricks the plant into thinking falls coming time to reproduce( so its sex is then revealed) and go to seed for specie survival
If you deal with alittle reveg dont sweat it, id rather be putting the biggest plants i could out in June . Less light= less nutrient uptake
im dealing with indica dominant strains from what i can tell, they are in 2 gallon pots right now, they are a month old, if i keep hitting them with 18 6 and nutrients for 3 more weeks at least im worried about stressing them out and that they will severely outgrow their pots. ill be putting them in 15 gallon pots outside so im not to worried about their size at the moment, ive heard that revegging will affect overall yield and indicas are harder to bring out of it. am i wrong? thier already about or over a foot tall
Ahhh that makes more sense ive never called such stage seedling but lol why not control their size with some pruning/ training . Keep topping to slow them up a bit. If you keep the plant healthy you can veg forever shouldnt cause stress on plant just you keeping it that way. If your in plastic pots going rootbound is a concern
If you deal with alittle reveg dont sweat it, id rather be putting the biggest plants i could out in June . Less light= less nutrient uptake

I've always found that the time thrown away by allowing your plants to start flower, re-veg, then start to veg again is far more time consuming and detrimental for the plant than reducing light a few hours in the weeks leading up to going out. When I put my plants outdoors, I want the sun to begin vegging the plants immediately, not spend three weeks getting back to the point it could veg.

Plants grow far faster in the sun than they do under artificial lamps anyway. Each to their own ;)
sorry about the lack of details lol these are my first plants so their still babies to me, i am using plastic pots atm, but im moving them to the 15 gallon smart pots outside. im just gonna bring down the lights 30 minutes every 3 days or so until i hit 15- 9, should that be cool?
sorry about the lack of details lol these are my first plants so their still babies to me, i am using plastic pots atm, but im moving them to the 15 gallon smart pots outside. im just gonna bring down the lights 30 minutes every 3 days or so until i hit 15- 9, should that be cool?

That should be perfectly fine, but I prefer to do it in smaller increments. If you can, 15 minutes every three (preferable) or two days.
I've always found that the time thrown away by allowing your plants to start flower, re-veg, then start to veg again is far more time consuming and detrimental for the plant than reducing light a few hours in the weeks leading up to going out. When I put my plants outdoors, I want the sun to begin vegging the plants immediately, not spend three weeks getting back to the point it could veg.

Plants grow far faster in the sun than they do under artificial lamps anyway. Each to their own ;)
I dont disagree w you at all just something i dont , should say havnt done because im not against trying it but i dont understand why reduce light rather than start from seed emergence with the lower hrs and slowly increase as in nature? Why is 15 hrs under light diff than 15 under sun. I understand sun is much stronger. Asking real questions not questioning you lol im always trying to learn, im sure im missing something. I have some 3 day olds fems now been under 18-6 im up to try something diff