webs all over plant!


Active Member
hey, i get these webs about every 2 days. i see no damge to the plant and no bugs? just webs. also there only o where the fan leaves branch out and on the leaf itself.

anybody seen this before?


Well-Known Member
i think your talking about mold. if not you might have a spider spinning webs at night when its quiet


Active Member
well there isnt a web w/o a spider , are u familiar with spider mite infection ? if its a spider web from an ordinary spider then theres no problem but u should see it only in some areas , what ever it is , are u on flowering ?


Well-Known Member
Are there little white speckles/dots on the leaves? If so, turn over a few leaves, and look for spider mites. They spin tiny webs, and sound like a probable culprit. I hope not, for your sake. They're a bitch to get under control.


Well-Known Member
Is there little white speckles/dots on the leaves? If so, turn over a few leaves, and look for spider mites. They spin tiny webs, and sound like a probable culprit. I hope not, for your sake. They're a bitch to get under control.
I second this, look at the back of the leaves for eggs. Half the size of this period.


Well-Known Member
deffinitley spider mites you only start seeing the webs when it starts getting bad you should take care of this problem fast before they start doing serious damage and stunt growth. Azamax is really good for killing them you just mix it with water and spray your plants make sure to foccus on the bottoms of leaves and sstalk and branches of the plant. Also make sure you continuously spray them once a day for a week so that you kill all hatching eggs and illiminate problem. you should also vaccum your grow room and bleach the walls to kill any that are not on the plants.


Active Member
all i got is a cell phone for pics... but yea leaves have white dots on them and they still look good.(not dying)
i did see white things under the leaf on the vein but still no bugs< and ive looked everywhere.

and yes i am in flowering


Active Member
yea i looked closer and they wher moving, i cut all the fan leaves off that had white dots (eggs) under them and the ones with bugs on them.

if i keep killing all the ones i see, and checking it daily should they stop/ or will they come back?


Active Member
they will come back , try not to cut any leaves in flowering , removing them mechanically is the safest way ( for ur health ) go find a sprayer and spray from close distance so th pressure makes them drop off the leaves , if u do it like daily maintentance u want give them the chance to multiply in great numbers , low temps + high humidity + great air cyrculation = natural control

20c and less , 2 times per day spraying ( one on the first hours of daylight and another on the midle ) , 1 extra fan making the stems swing a bit more ( not like they strucked by huricane ) = ftw

u can easily remove all the webs with spraying from close distance without affecting in any way ur plant / buds , thats what i do if i havent spoted them on veg where i nuke them straight on the plant , on flowering tho i keep in mind that what ever i spray will eventually get to my lungs


Active Member
idk if there exactly half the period, but yea white dots under the leaves.

and when i spar them can i just use water? i heard neem oil but thats out of the q.


Well-Known Member
No you cannot use just water. You can use tobacco tea if you want something more natural Or perhaps predator mites

I FNG hate spider mites. To get rid of them you need to treat them like the terminator in T2. You can think you have them under control and all the sudden they are back again. Seriously you need to kill kill kill and keep killing with no mercy to get them under control. You must destroy every single mite and every single egg with extreme prejudice. Did I mention I hate mites? :)


Active Member
No you cannot use just water. You can use tobacco tea if you want something more natural Or perhaps predator mites

I FNG hate spider mites. To get rid of them you need to treat them like the terminator in T2. You can think you have them under control and all the sudden they are back again. Seriously you need to kill kill kill and keep killing with no mercy to get them under control. You must destroy every single mite and every single egg with extreme prejudice. Did I mention I hate mites? :)

I had a beautiful Green crack plant that I left unattended for just 48hrs after I saw a few bugs, I went up there and the webs were so intense the buds were swarming with them. It is unbelievable the speed they multiply.
