Weed and hash museum dispensary in america, would you go?

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
So was thinking about a place that would be a Weed and Hash Museum in America similar to the one in Amsterdam that showed pictures of hemp, covered the history of it growing in america and around the world, hash and all the different methods of production and weed from around the world. The museum in Amsterdam has 100K visitors a year.

This museum would cover the history of cannabis, how it became against the law and who made it that way and had area that you could walk through like a fish aquairum with big glass cylinders showing cannabis growing and budding, food preperation areas showing different foods with cannabis/hash being made and finally the dispensary at the end with all the goodies for sale, would you go and visit and purchase items if there was a $7.00 charge to take the museum tour? Or you could skip to the dispensary area for free to purchase items?

Imagine having an area were you could smell some of the different flavors of flowers like blue berries and skunk, snozzberries and chocolate and a resturant with foods using hemp seed and stuff where you could eat different foods and drink cannabis drinks as long as you were not driving. Would you go?

And last an area showing how hemp paper and textiles, ropes and fuel could be made on the cheap to change the world. Would you go?
What do you think? If it could be done? Would you at least check it out? The dizz-ne-land of hemp and cannabis?

Think I might have to patent this idea so no one else steals it.
Opinions welcome.
So was thinking about a place that would be a Weed and Hash Museum in America similar to the one in Amsterdam that showed pictures of hemp, covered the history of it growing in america and around the world, hash and all the different methods of production and weed from around the world. The museum in Amsterdam has 100K visitors a year.

This museum would cover the history of cannabis, how it became against the law and who made it that way and had area that you could walk through like a fish aquairum with big glass cylinders showing cannabis growing and budding, food preperation areas showing different foods with cannabis/hash being made and finally the dispensary at the end with all the goodies for sale, would you go and visit and purchase items if there was a $7.00 charge to take the museum tour? Or you could skip to the dispensary area for free to purchase items?

Imagine having an area were you could smell some of the different flavors of flowers like blue berries and skunk, snozzberries and chocolate and a resturant with foods using hemp seed and stuff where you could eat different foods and drink cannabis drinks as long as you were not driving. Would you go?

And last an area showing how hemp paper and textiles, ropes and fuel could be made on the cheap to change the world. Would you go?
What do you think? If it could be done? Would you at least check it out? The dizz-ne-land of hemp and cannabis?

Think I might have to patent this idea so no one else steals it.
Opinions welcome.

Unfortunately this is not patentable. But you could copyright the basic idea. Though copyright covers less specificity you could go after violations for lesser civil infractions.

You could copyright the name, "Cannabis Hall of Fame" or "Cannabis History Museum" or whatever the fuck. But a patent would be a waste of time and money. All that someone has to do is change one small thing, and they are no longer infringing.

Good idea by the way. Id go.
hopefully the super roach is on display

Someone wrote a whole article on the 'super roach' in the Huffington Post awhile back. I couldn't believe it. Someone got paid to write an article about the generational roach and some mumbojumbo about how 'it's still out there, being reused today, all the way back from 1978, or someshit.
I smoked a roach that was abiut 1 r 2 yeasrs old. It was fucking horrible. it didnt get me high, just gave me a headache.