Weed As Currency

Have any of you ever traded weed for something you really wanted? Ive traded weed for movie and concert tickets, playstation 3 games, dvd piddly shit like that. What about you?

full of purple

Well-Known Member
I traded 7 grams of white widow for a 2 foot mother plant in 3 gallons of fox farm soil lol
The plant was my friends he was saving and he ran out of bud asked me to front him a ounce
H e knows i sell doesnt know i grow well long story short, I waited about 2 weeks came to his house
with the 7grams of weed and said wanna trade? well i left with my new mother that day in my back seat lol
I still havnt flowered it its just been sitting under cfls for about 3 months now i plan to flower it pretty soon tho
It will yeild a good 5 ounces


Active Member
i see people on CL trying to trade for a Car or street bike,ive prolly only traded for an mp3.

would be funny to use it for everyday living,gas station,grocery store,wal-mart etc.


Well-Known Member
my brother traded about a quarter for his roor, which would have cost him waaaaaaayy more than what he had in cash.
he also traded a quarter for his snowboard and season pass.
Im wondering why they were so desperate for weed they traded for something of lesser value?


Active Member
Weed is also a general currency amongst me and my friends. E.g. "Yo bro buy me a burger? I'll pack a bowl."