Weed improved my eyesite??!


Hey guys. Yesterday i smoked a gram of weed,and this morning I woke up and I immediately noticed things were clearer.Usually when I look at my tv from my computer chair without my glasses, it is blury. But today, its clear! Like honestly I dont think I will need glasses anymore. Is weed known for its ability to improve eyesite?


Well-Known Member
when you do the laser treatment, its good to smoke weed before the operation.. helps the eyes.. its possible.


New Member
I believe it! I'm border line glaucoma and it has really help with the pressures on my eyes. God I love this stuff! I used to have to wear low powered glasses 24/7 because I have to strain so much from all the pressure...but now I rarely need them. Sometimes not even while in class or on the computer when I really needed them.

Sr. Verde

I have like 20/40 and dont notice anything

But hey anything is possible, thats pretty sick man!


New Member
One of the very first benefits that were medically recognized back in the 70's was for Glaucoma. Weed helps blood flow to the eyes.... ol redeye can be a help to you.