first thing is first
NO VODKA........40 to 50% only is more water then drink ( i make and drink shine my still puts it off 150%) if u can not get shine then get everclear depends on the state but that stuff is 180 to 190% (when dealing with drink the system goes to 200% 100% is really 50% water 50% ethonl drinking stuff)
ok weed in the bottle great few simple things to fallow
1 no seeds bitter taste like hell
2 stems keep it to a small amount as possible (to much woody taste)
3 Buds wet or dry both work
ok the more of a certin kind u put tho the stronger the effect and taste it gets (so if it is lemony smelling and tasting weed that is what u get to berry )
one OZ to one quart and u have made something good and strong 2 oz to a quart u need to have them sign legal pappers protecting u from any dumb action they do as cuase of taken this mad drink u are making
2 methods ...............
one is the old fashion sun tea method (jar,buds, shine(everclear) , sunshine and 2 to 5 days of time )
other method is the thc pull out but lower inparted taste..................u take the bud put about half oz a time in a quart jar fill with shine then move it to the freezer for week to 2 .......repeat this a few times then u are golden
since u are using strong stuff with low water u can let the acholic part of this evaporate and u have made hash oil
the end of the sunshine method the buds and everything are completely white and have nothing (flush them down the shitter)
as for the freezer it lightens but nothing like the sunshine ...........but no good just toss it
as for duluting it 1000ml of weed tea and 1000mls of water would make it about 90% 85% so add 100mls more and u have 80% weed tea (use prue spring water or distiled water .............u can make a simple syurp to add to it to help lighen the hit of the drink (sugar delays ethonl reactions in human buddy why girlie drinks so sweet but they get bombed like hell)