Weed Nerds Unite!

Hey guys just want to chime in and throw my 2 cents. My Dad and Brother suffer from Crohns disease and honestly if it was not for this plant both would not be alive today. I have been on a quest since 2009 to understand how to care for this plant. Along the way I have learned more about myself and how to care for my family through this plant. After seeing how much the environment plays into growth of this plant and seeing how with growth stages if one mistake is made at any stage of growth it will change the path your plant is on forever. You may not ever recover from a mistake you make in the room.....just like life. I have been able to understand that we are to use nature and let nature work for us. We do not control the genes of the plant we only provide everything it needs to do what it does. I have learned through this action that humans are on the earth to provide. I am proud to say that I am learning everyday in greater depth that we are to encourage nature to work for us by providing it what it needs. Its a never ending cycle that many people deny in exchange for credit or cash. So Im off thanks to this amazing plant and what it has done for my family.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Rusty!

My spouse has recently been diagnosed with Crohns, too. I've been growing a for a while, but now my efforts have taken a new focus. You got the right attitude about growing: First, do no harm.
