Weed smells weak

I harvested one of my plants early, it was the end of week 6. I line dryed it for 5 days and it didn't smell like anything. I then put it in cardboard box to get rid of extra moisture so it wouldnt be excessively moist before i jarred the bud. Its been in the jar for 4 days and it just smells like some kind of flower. Like some type of garden flower. I have to almost put my nose right up to the buds to smell this flowery scent. It reeked up my whole house drying with a skunky, fruity, musty smell while drying. What happened to the smell?


Well-Known Member
:?: Not all plants stink they way did when they were growing after you chop them. They get a little weedy smell when they are hanging. And they don't always stink after curing. Lots of variables.


Well-Known Member
It Happens, 4 days is not a long cure... Let it cure longer, sometimes the smell will get stronger.


Well-Known Member
maybe cutting it 2 weeks early is what did it... the last 2 weeks is when they bulk up, i bet your crop will smell different


Well-Known Member
you cut it too early and dried it to quick....people always try to hurry the end process or time in flower and they get weed that smells like hay


Well-Known Member
you can bring back the smell with those humidity packs. http://www.amazon.com/Boveda-Large-Humidipak-62-Pack/dp/B007V8SRKY im not trying to advertise or anything like that but they will bring the smell back in weed that is too dry. i got a couple free to try from a friend that owns a smoke shop. all you do is take the pack out of the cellophane and place them in the sealed jar. the moisture will absorb or release depending on the humidity in the jar. the humidity stays around what the pack says. they say the 62 ones are the best for weed.

anther thing, make sure you trim well after harvest for better smell.
I have other plant, same strain that i just harvested yesterday. The calyxes were swollen and the trichomes were all white with about 1/4 amber and a few clear ones here and there. It was yesterday when i chopped it. It has a sour musty berry smell when i chopped it now it is starting to smell like musty burnt rubber and perfume. It does smell stronger than the one im taking about that i harvested 2 weeks early, that one had a strong flowery scent at this time during the dry. I guess i should have waited a while. Im wondering if the smell will go after it dries this time though, i hope not.