Weed too sticky to grind


New Member
Hey guys, I've had my latest harvest drying for 10 days now, the resin came out quite nicely, my buds look amazing, the thing is they're waaay too sticky to grind, I tried smoking some and they burn nicely but I've only smoked on pipe because I don't want any of my weed to be wasted stuck on the grinder, is it normal for it to be this sticky? When I touch it, it makes my fingers sticky as shit, I was planning on starting the curing process today but I don't know if it's ready yet, nor what consistency the flowers should have at this point, what would you advice? The branches with buds are hanging on a dark room with ventilation and a dehumidifier, the large branches break easily, while the branches directly supporting the buds are incredibly thin and don't break, they bend but I don't know if it is because of their size, they were pretty thin when the plant was alive, now they're basically hollow on the inside, or if it's because they haven't finished the drying process.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
I strive to let my cure run over 20 days on line, then it gets burped for a while... so I'd say that nothing is wrong really? Just wait. Make sure you're keeping humidity below 55 or so, so that moisture isnt being reabsorbed by your herb. What you said about the stems is normal and appropriate. No worries, just more time.
10 days for me at that stage buds are a little sticky going into jars, not moist but that velvet look feel to them, perfect time to cure imo, burp for a couple days then once a week for a month. Then you’ll be good to leave jars closed until needed. Never had mold in jars. If it’s super sticky then possibly taken down a day or 2 too quickly. It’s all about catching it at the right time to jar up.
I quit boozing long ago but, I always have some nice clear hooch around for the express purpose of grinder reclamation! I try to clean 2 on the same day. That makes me 2-3 ounces of funky vodka to cheer up my coffee. Oh yeah!!!
I do consider it a sign of well grown/harvested weed when you can just break a chunk of nug off and have it smoke through to a nice clean ash, but yeah, it all goes through the grinder. Get one with a kief catcher if you feel so obliged.
Um. Your afraid to grind your weed because it ruins the bag appeal however. Your turn around and smoke it anyhow to ash. What's the difference? I guess if you want. Just save the most appealing nug and frame it
@Rozgreenburn you've given me a notion for a Irish coffee loaded with thc, it sounds appealing for a Friday night, i wonder if Baileys Irish cream would work?
I've not had a good intense prolonged fkd up body stone for a long time.