Weed very dry in jars + integra boost and boveda


Well-Known Member

Weed is a bit dry in the jars, the meter gives 40%.
Also dry to touch.

I added integra boost and boveda and and its getting better, some jars 55%, some 50%.
But the thing is that in this early stage, adding the packs are taking out the smell...

Any better idea?
Should I remove the packs and do it with orange peel or cotton?

How I adjust humidity up in the jars, which may or may not be a good way, is I use a piece of paper towel large enough to cover the mouth of the jar. I put a little bit of water on the part of the paper towel that will be in the center of the mouth. Squeeze the wet part to spread the damp area out and drip off any excess water. I don't like to make drastic adjustments, so I try to make it so it's just a little dampness spread out over almost the entire mouth of the jar. Then, put this on the jar so that it hangs down a little bit away from the lid and not making direct contact with the buds (I fill jars about 75% with buds). Screw lid on tight. I keep a small hygrometer in each jar. Within 24hrs the moisture on the paper towel will have evaporated into the air in the jar. Check hygrometer. If it needs more, repeat process. I try to maintain a range of 55% to 60% in the jars. I do this procedure if RH falls below 55% and I only bring it back up to 55%.

Good luck! Peace:peace:
Integras and the like are push / pull moisture packs …. They don’t help cure . They for already RH stable product.
And jars held long term for storage. If you consume within a couple weeks or so since harvest , waste of money.
Put small hygrometers inside jar … seal ( sometimes check liner lid - ring gets worn ) .
Integras and the like are push / pull moisture packs …. They don’t help cure . They for already RH stable product.
And jars held long term for storage. If you consume within a couple weeks or so since harvest , waste of money.
Put small hygrometers inside jar … seal ( sometimes check liner lid - ring gets worn ) .

I know I do remember you wrote me about it in another thread, just didn't know how to raise humidity..
They where 40% before few days, now its 55%.
But the smell is going weak...

I don't have fan leaves, tent is close for the next months.

So, remove packs and use peels or paper towel instead?

I have 400 gram in curing now.. most of it will got for long long term.
Should I add humidity at all or just before I want to use the specific jar?

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I know I do remember you wrote me about it in another thread, just didn't know how to raise humidity..

I don't have fan leaves, tent is close for the next months.

So, remove packs and use peels or paper towel instead?

I read not to do so if its for long storage?

I have 400 gram in curing now.. most of it will got for long long term


Try to see where Rh falls without pack ( with hygrometer in jar ) , let it stabilize ( couple hours ) and monitor … if close to range where you looking then put pack in and seal. They work pretty well within a few percentage of cure number.
Try to see where Rh falls without pack ( with hygrometer in jar ) , let it stabilize ( couple hours ) and monitor … if close to range where you looking then put pack in and seal. They work pretty well within a few percentage of cure number.

They where 40% after few days in jars (without pack)
I have hygrometer in each jars.
Integras and the like are push / pull moisture packs …. They don’t help cure . They for already RH stable product.
And jars held long term for storage. If you consume within a couple weeks or so since harvest , waste of money.
Put small hygrometers inside jar … seal ( sometimes check liner lid - ring gets worn ) .
To me this is the only logical use of this product, and if I'm not mistaken literally what is was meant for. As huge growers have to store en mass, they need no muss fuss storage, and cannabis is finicky.

As for curing, the idea of course is to bring the humidity (after brought to a safe level already from drying of course) down very slowly to the most stable & consumable level. This is done methodically and meticulously in a jar. I believe adding those packs before this stage does nothing but hinder this process. As stated above, these packs push and pull, it works together with cannabis for storage. Better dayz my friend!
Well, the packs did the job, humidity went from 40% to 58% in some jars, in some its still 50, 53 etc but its building up slowly without risking mold and will stay for long storage. At list 2 years with this amount.

I still have weed from my first grow from 2019, and I use daily weed from the start of 2020 and its great.
With all the bubble hash, edibles (also gave to friends) and daily vape use, and now I have more than 600 grams...

Edibles for all my friends!