Week 2 yellowing leaves... Help please


Well-Known Member
Are you keeping the medium soaked or just moist? You could be experiencing problems from damping off or rot because of the medium being too soggy. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Watering once a day just around the rockwool. Should I maybe get rid of the rockwool all together?
You don't have to get rid of it necessarily if you are looking to keep the plant in that growing medium. Are you going to grow hydro or soil? Hydro I would transplant the rockwool to your hydro system, if in soil I would throw the cube in the dirt & get to watering the soil. That would be a lot easier for you to monitor the moisture level. You can also try holding off on watering for a day or 2 & check the response from the plants. Rockwool does hold water fairly well btw. :)


Active Member
Looks like nute burn I don't know if that one will survive. It's either nute burn or watering. This little baby is too small for nutes. you want to wait till the 3rd or 4th sets of leafs to pop out full length before adding nutes. if you're not adding nutes you need to ph your water to 6.0 before adding it to your baby. Tap water is usually about 7.0-9.0+ ph. Too high for babies the TDS is usually very high and sometimes contains herbicides. Try bottled water. If you Ph is good maybe your light is too close. But I'm thinking this is PH or nute burn.


Active Member
BTW i recommend watering rock wool twice a week and when they are big enough add nutes once a week or every other week. Soak them so that they don't soak up any more water and leave a bit of water in the bottom when they get bigger but not too much.
still having trouble. i flushed the water today to get all the salts and bad old water. temps are not above 81f. i was thinking that maybe the bucket i am using is too big and was thinking about maybe planting into a smaller hempy. any suggestions?iphone2-22 001.jpg