Week 3 of flower


New Member
Hey there, this is my first grow and first post. I am currently on day 25 into flower with 2 bubble gum and 4 cinex.WEEK 3 FLOWER.jpg Wanted to share, and get any comments that you guys and gals may have. Here is a pic of room. 7x5x7.ROOM.jpg600 watt mdh in veg side. 600 watt hps on flower side. Ventilation and temps seem good. No co2. 84 degrees with lights on and 68 degrees lights off. I started with clones. I transplanted from soil to hydro on day 1.View attachment 2975356 They did well. I gave them just water for a week. I am using gh nutes flora series. I have a 12 gal. res. and water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. I had mites in veg for a couple weeks. I sprayed them with a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. I also tossed in on each side a hot shot no pest strip and they are gone for now. I vegged them till they were 16 to 19 inches tall. I have some concerns that lower branches are not going to get enough light. I have mylar on walls and door hoping it helps. I really don't want or know what could be trimmed at this point. I just want to get through my first grow hopefully producing some good medicine for myself. How do they look to you?WEEK 3.1 FLOWER.jpg


New Member
Sometimes it's hard to tell from pictures but it looks like the leaves are slightly clawed downward. This is not a major problem if it doesn't get any worse but it usually is a sign that the plant is transpiring or that their is a problem with the roots. Transpiring plants are getting too much water which can be remedied by watering less. Root problems are a little more difficult but with hydro they are usually caused by the root zone area becoming too warm, this is generally not a problem with soil. Pathogens are always present in the root area and come to life when the temperature in the root area reaches 78. You mentioned that you have a 12 gallon res, are you checking the temperature of the res water? I kept mine below 70 degrees. You can also add products like Aqua Shield, not sure if it's still named that, it protects the roots from pathogens. After your first grow take a look at your roots the browner the color the less healthier they are, you want white roots. I remember my first grow not long ago, it is was the hardest, just remember it is a weed. My successful hydro ebb and flow grows consisted of: Medium - 85% coco coir, 15% perlite, 2 inches of hydroton rocks on top and bottom in 2 gallon buckets. I flooded the buckets twice per day for 20 minutes. I maintained the temps in the res below or at 70 degrees, PH between 5.5 & 6.5 depending on the GH nutrient mix and the phase of the grow. I used grow rooms with carbon filters and intake and exhaust fans to circulate air out of the room. I never prune my plants I let them grow naturally for less stress, I use LED lights for hydroponicshut.com. The bottom of the plants are your least worry, the top colas are where the best product is harvested, your lights should penetrate about 3 feet into your canopy, the leaves that feed on that light will help the bottom part of the plant. As your plants near the last few weeks of life you may notice yellowing of leaves and browning of foliage at the bottom of the plants, this is normal as the plant receives less nitrogen and more phosphorus. The cannabis plants natural course is too flower for a period of time and die, our job is too harvest at the precise time. I've only been doing this for a year and I certainly don't claim to be an expert but it doesn't take long to start learning the behavior of the plants and adapting to meet their needs. I've just recently converted to organic soil growing, hydro was just too much work. Good luck, I hope this helps.


New Member
I think you're right about overwatering. My temps were running a little high so I added an extra watering.
Then I added a 6 inch duct fan bringing a cool 60° temp into the room. My roots are probably sitting too long in the water. I will try cutting back one watering cycle. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I will post pictures in a week.