WEEK 4 DAY 3...how am i lookin here?


Active Member
SDC12833.jpgSDC12829.jpgSDC12835.jpgSDC12831.jpgSDC12832.jpgSDC12834.jpgSDC12830.jpgSDC12836.jpgcrappy shots i kno...all i got to work with sorry

i kinda figured the buds would be bigger by this point...will they fatten up??

the problems i've been having are starting to clear up with out taking any drastic measures...

i thought i was having a burn and some pH fluctuation or somethin cuz of yellowing...but after further research, i've come to the conclusion that it was a serious def of ca, mg, P, and K...not a good def to have in flowering...i flushed one just to see what it would do but i'm not noticing any difference...its the last picture. so last night i foliar fed them a half strength dosage of PB bloom and a tad bit of liquid karma. today i fed the soil with molasses, PB bloom, and liquid karma, and calmag+ with a ppm of about 950 and a pH of 6.5. my runoff was 6.0 which is good...right? hope im doin things right.

also working on the humidity...it can go as low as 23% when the lights are on and goin up to about 45 when off. some PM has spread around a little bit...but that foliar feed did a hella lot with killin most of it off (looks like) and if it gets worse then ima have to use some organic skim milk and try that. sulfur burner smell is way too smelly...

been thinkin bout gettin a small humidifier to have on a couple hours when the lights are on to bring up that humidity a little bit...i'd like to be at a constant 45%. temps are 74-82. i'll prob do another foliar feed in a few days...my dude says they are hungry and all the yellowin and spotting has been the plant tellin me "hey dude, my buds are gonna eat all the food your gonna give me, so just do away with these big, space occupying fan leaves and make room for the bud!!!

whatchall think??

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think you are looking maybe a bit behind. The PM is probably a big contributer, but it might also be just not enough light in too large an area. Not much you can do now though. You have the right ideas, so let it run its course and take what you can get. Next time around if you're going to use soil then go organic, and if you go hydro keep what you have. Could very well be that the microbes in your soil aren't around anymore and that it is about as inert as another media.


Well-Known Member
looks fine to me. Yes your plants will get bigger and add on more weight, if you make sure to let them finish, the last few weeks of flower is when the plant gains most of its bud mass, you'll see a big surge in growth when that process takes off full force. those fan leaves are absolutely vital, that is not what your plant is saying....


Well-Known Member
Nah, it sounds like you got your problem fixed alright, its a sign those leaves were effected severely enough your plant has decided to drain them is my best guess, if its still going on with other leaves it didnt effect b4 that may be what its telling you. your not too far into flower so hopefully this shouldnt effect your final outcome too much,