Week 5 In Flower, How Long Left ???


Well-Known Member
Can't give an idea really as pictures not close enough. Need to check the trichomes yourself but at a totally random guess pulling a number out the air, 3 - 5weeks.. Total guess lol :)


Well-Known Member
Looking great, the pics get washed out by the HPS, so kinda hard to tell whats going on. Buy a 30x jewlers loope or some sort of microscope to take a look at your trichomes...the combination of cloudy/starting to turn amber trichomes + swollen calyxes + receeding browning pistils tells you when to harvest...

I'd suggest next time using larger pots, these seem to be getting a little too much water and not enough nutrients to get full potential due to getting rootbound, but excellent growth so far. Just a guess I'd say maybe 1-2 weeks left, but definately get yourself a magnifer, hell pinch off a bud and quickdry it to test out the high...judge the length of the high combined with the amount used and the type of high(heady vs body) vs smoking your normal bud...expect the finished product once dried properly and cured to be 1.5-2x more potent.


Well-Known Member
dry for as long as it takes for the stems to start snapping instead of bending, cure for as long as you want...most people say a minimum of a week cure, some people say 6 months...soooo...its kinda personal preference as far as how long you want to cure for, but you should at least cure for as long as it takes for the remaining moisture after drying to equalize out through the bud.


Well-Known Member
but yeah definitely NOT 4 weeks man...you'll be done sooner than that...pistils are browning up, calyxes are swelling...i'd say yer about right with the 2 week estimate :)


Well-Known Member
well if they are brownish (or an amber color) i would say pick right away. I like to pic when the trichomes turn from milky white to clear a bit. and also make sure the heads of the trichs are fully formed/.