Week 6 help


So I'm at week six of flowering, smelling super fruity... All looks good but I'm seeing some abnormal swelling of the calxy. While 99% of the calxy haven't even started to swell, a few of the buds have one or two huge calxy. I'm thinking that these are seeds. They are hard to the touch. I often let her out on the porch and I think I might have gotten some rouge pollen. Any thoughts???

This is my first grow and of of 12 seeds I planted 4 made it into Veg, 3 into flowering, and this was the only female. The seed was from a QP of nice stuff I found two seeds in the whole bag.

Anyways, its just over 4 feet tall now and my set ups pretty basic. One 400 Watt Agro-T (430 with the extra blue in there) I'm feeding it every watering with a 10-52-10, half dose. Haven't done much about pH, CO2, or heat. I actually think so many of my plants died because of that, but maybe in this way I'll get a darwin affect and get plants really suitable for the conditions where I live IE my tap water, nutes, how hot it is here.

Back to those maybe seeds....Can I just pull them off the plant??? their's only ten for the whole plant. I was thinking, rip em off and then stop putting her outside. I do like getting that natural light though



Few more pics....

I really dont want the plant wasting NRG developing those seeds and if they did come from random pollen I'm sure its dirty hemp.

O hemp such a great plant but why must it destroy my BABY

Also, how much longer would you say I have to go before I flush and pluck???



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ph is very very important. if the ph is off the your plant is going to be missing out on sum nute uptake... bud is looking goodthough.just check your ph in the runout...


mygirls, As far as a pH goes, I'm not really sure where to get the testers. Maybe at a place that deals with pool stuff??? we don't have hydro stores or anything like that around here

Anyways... My real Question is about those stupid seeds, if i pluck em do you think it will cause any shock to the plant?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
mygirls, As far as a pH goes, I'm not really sure where to get the testers. Maybe at a place that deals with pool stuff??? we don't have hydro stores or anything like that around here

Anyways... My real Question is about those stupid seeds, if i pluck em do you think it will cause any shock to the plant?
a pool store or a pet store in the fish dept.. walmart also.. as for the seeds can you post anypics... that wouldhelp us out


so.... pH of the soil was just under 7, then i added 2 litter of water that was just over 6..... the resulting drain off was about 6.7 (not really digging the pH strips)

I also took some photos of the "seeds"




Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i vget one of them every once in a while its not going to hurt anything.. i left one on a plant and nothing became of the others it the room.. now if the plant is flat loaded with them then get rid of it..


thanks for the input.... I wanna to start flushing in about 5 days or so, id prefer a more light/uplifting high don't want any couch lock.

You ever try switch the lights from 12/12 to a 10/14 to make the bud ripen a little faster?
I know this may reduce yield a little but if the the buds on their already just fatten a little it should be a decent harvest, about 3 ounces.

I also need to reveg. for clones and I was thinking about trying to grab a second harvest.