week five of flower


really getin kina worried now i thot th buds would have started to fill out and become a bit more compact by now. i have two bigbang ones small and bushy the others tall and not so bushy. th tall one has alot of buds but thyr all pritty small can anyone tell me how to beef them up abit and get some waight about them. tanks tam...


I tryd to upload pics but it wouldent let me al try agen later. Im using mirical grow and i have kinde off just been feeding them th recomended amout on th side of th box was gowing to up th dosage tho coz its alot of but to feed


Yeah, it would be cool to see them, is it the miracle gro - azalea, camellia?!?! I only use the stuff for vegging to be honest man, I use flowering type nutes, but if that's all you got, you wanna up the dose tiny bit by tiny bit, see if you like it,

How much you watering each plant, and how many times a week?? and how much you put into the water?!?


I have been doin that cant c a dif tho. I water them every second night about a leeter between th two and i swap water for nutes after two pure wateting. And thts just a leter between them aswell


Hmm well i'm not sure if i can offer you any more advice, seeing pictures would help, ermmm because you're so late in the flowering stage allready, and u've not used any flowering nutrients your yeild may not be as successful. Buying Fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom, or advanced nutrients range would help you out, i'm not sure how beneficial this would be to you as you're in week 5 of flowering allready.


Ryt kool mate. Cheerz anyway i think al use diferent nutes next time but al just have to ride it out this time.

Oh av got something els u might bable to help me with i was thinkin about when i chop my plants do u think it would b benafical to leev th wer buds on th plant to get a bit more on it or is this a silly question lol


I think you're talking about re-vegging??
Sure it a useful way to grow back the same plant back to good health. Chop it and leave a couple of baby bud site at the bottom of the plant maybe 4 - 6 areas,
then take out the plant from the pot and cut the root system 3-5cm's off around the root ball, you do this so that you don't drown you're new plant, repott in nice soil and only feed water for the first two weeks, Marijuana is a strong ass plant it will taking some beating to kill it :D