Weird Bump On Stems


Active Member
my 9 plants are a month and a half old and on some of them there are little yellowish bumps that easily just come right off when you rub them towards the bottoms of the stems, any idea what this could be? I'll try to get some pics up soon, but I can't promise anything as I'm short on the money to buy a camera (this hobby is expensive!! heh)

I am using CFL's currently but am going to be putting them under a 400 watt hps with a batwing cover on wednesday (just got the new light). they are in MG moisture control soil and in 14" tall pots. I have not added any nutes but plan to this week.

Are these bumps something I should worry about? Also there is this clear coating of I have no idea what that peels off the stems at the bottom too, is that ok?

I know such vague information....any questions you need to ask about my plants to help solve this go ahead and throw them out there. I'm desperate!


Active Member
what do you water with? is there soap in it, also the bump, are they alive like a bug or something? or do they bleed if you squish them?


Active Member
they aren't squishy, they are hard. it isn't a bug or alive, and it doesn't bleed. I water with faucet water. no soap at all gets into the water.

they are mostly on the bottoms of the plants (not all of them) but there may be a stray 2 or 3 further up.

the leaves don't seem to be damaged at all though.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
It's hard to say without pics. I have an idea of what your talking about. My clones developed bumps all over th stem just above th soil. I think it was either from to much moisture or I got the rooting gel to far up the stem and they are from th plant making its roots. The roots start to form from bumps that are stimulated by th gel. If you look through my thread there are some pic's. I don't know what page they are on so just skip th boring shit and look for the clone pic's.


Active Member
oh. you replied at the same time as me. lol. maybe it's too much moisture?? I don't water my plants till the top inch or two of the soil is dry. so probably about every 3 days.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like they are adventitious roots which would like to grow. you should encourage this as much as possible. one way to do this is simply to pile more soil around the base, supplying the lower would-be roots with the moisture/darkness they need to thrive.

but, without pics it's not possible to say for sure


Active Member
these were grown from seeds and I'll try putting more soil in right now because when I just checked them this morning I thought I saw a little root coming out from the soil on the one that just so happens to have the most bumps! so I hope thats the case. I will see if I can get a camera before the end of this week to show you guys pics.


Active Member
I germinated them in between damp paper towels, in between two plates, before I planted them. they aren't of a certain strain either, they're just bag seeds.


Well-Known Member
thats norm. a plant will actually throw roots out of the white zone beleive it or not. it will further ancor itself into the ground and soil,thus giving a stronger hold.that will happen to every soil plant.

thats ur answer so no more qs


Active Member
thanks. I put more soil in the plants. I'm just glad it wasn't a big problem. *phew* hehe.

thats norm. a plant will actually throw roots out of the white zone beleive it or not. it will further ancor itself into the ground and soil,thus giving a stronger hold.that will happen to every soil plant.

thats ur answer so no more qs


i have these wierd bump lick a parasite they are black and squish or bleed had to cut a full 3 ft branch off cause they grow on stemm but dont seem to fuck up the buds, what do you think some kinda parasite?


Active Member
my 9 plants are a month and a half old and on some of them there are little yellowish bumps that easily just come right off when you rub them towards the bottoms of the stems, any idea what this could be? I'll try to get some pics up soon, but I can't promise anything as I'm short on the money to buy a camera (this hobby is expensive!! heh)

I am using CFL's currently but am going to be putting them under a 400 watt hps with a batwing cover on wednesday (just got the new light). they are in MG moisture control soil and in 14" tall pots. I have not added any nutes but plan to this week.

Are these bumps something I should worry about? Also there is this clear coating of I have no idea what that peels off the stems at the bottom too, is that ok?

I know such vague information....any questions you need to ask about my plants to help solve this go ahead and throw them out there. I'm desperate!
u aint got to wory i think i no exacly wat ur on about its just the plant it selfthis aint a problem plus thin film like tissue coming away fromthe stem at the bottom is also not a big deal as i av had both these symptoms with no advers affects. grow on man. peace !